Monday, July 31, 2017


It was in 1978, probably in the month of May/ June. The place was Thirunelveli Junction Railway Station. I first saw my father crying uncontrollably. The event was nothing to grieve about. I was to be seen off from the station as I was going for higher education in National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana. We were not financially very well off then. Therefore instead of accompanying me and dropping me in the college he chose to see me off at Thirunelveli station itself.  Kanyakumari express chugged off from the station at about 5 PM. As long I was in his presence, I controlled myself and did not shed any tears. But once the train left the station and I could no longer see him waving good bye, until it reached Madurai I was also in tears all the way. There was a Muslim gentleman who was working with TOMCO (Tata Oil Mills and Company), who was in the same compartment and having seen us crying, he spoke to console me and then went and reported the event to one of our distant relative in Chennai as they were colleagues!
Being the eldest son, I had a bit longer association with my father and he also showered extra love and care on me! My earliest association with him dates back to the time we moved from Pykara to Moyar Camp in Nilgiris in a truck! I clearly remember the birth of my third brother in Jan’1964 when my father woke me up in the morning to see the baby as well as my mother in Moyar camp hospital. I saw my brother with lot of blood stains and wrapped in a bale of cotton. I was given a lot of sugar candy to distribute to my friends in school on my brother’s arrival!
The arrival of my youngest brother was very vivid in my memory. It was a Friday as usual my mother had done special prayers. We used to have a big rose plant in front of our garden. All the flowers were nicely plucked and a garland was made to adorn the photo of Sri Krishna in MAKKAN CHOR position. My mother developed bleeding and she was taken to Moyar camp hospital. From there to OOTY and my brother was born on Saturday morning after a cesarean section done by one District Medical Officer Dr. Sarala Krishnamurthy. Later she became our family friend and poor lady died of a road accident.
Our family was not very well to do then. Feeding four growing children with a single man’s salary was always an issue. Thus it was always hand to mouth existence. My second brother had some health issues. He was treated with Streptomycin injection every day on alternate bums in Moyar camp dispensary. Later he was taken for a biopsy test in Ooty and the results came satisfactory. My father then had taken a penance that he would conduct our Upanayanam function in our native god’s abode. The same was done in 1974.
Since we were living in Mudumalai wild life sanctuary, we were devoid of any great entertainments. The number of residents was a few and all of them used to work for electricity board. There were a few people from forest department. All the adults used to take to alcohol, playing cards etc. to while away the spare time. My dad was a total exception. To him always family came first. He used to be back from office, go for a walk with likeminded friends or all alone. After that evening prayers and then he used to sit with us to help us in our studies. We never had the luxury of Radio, Transistor, TV etc. then. Thus each one of the family member used to be so close to the other person!!

During the Indo Pak war in 1964-65 our country was passing through severe crisis for food grains. Nilgiris used to be very badly hit without adequate supply of rice. We were forced to switch to Millets as staple food. A ball of Millet (Ragi ) and Sambhar the same used to be so delicious, I am still salivating thinking about that delicious food. Our parents would not eat that on Saturday as commanded by the then Prime Minister Lal Bhadhur Shastri. Those tough days had profound impact on my mind. I can’t at any point of time ever waste any food stuff and as a value system practice this even today.

                                                                                                                                To be continued ……. 

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