Tuesday, February 14, 2017


In this tough competitive world, people with 100 % full fitness, complete intellect, adequate disposable income, plus enormous surplus funds find it difficult to think about others, leave alone desiring and working for others.
 Rich man wants to amass further wealth for his generations to come, middle class man wants to move up in the social ladder so he can flaunt his new found status, lower middle class man wants to move up &  acquire at the least a few gadgets and accessories so that his life becomes a bit more comfortable. Down trodden and people in below  poverty line want to make their lives at the least comfortable enough to meet both ends and are able to have two square meals a day.
In such a tough world there are two people who despite getting confined to wheel chairs at the prime of their lives after having spent their early part of youth with full mobility including that of playing and having fun in their college and school days.
This is the story of Sri S Ramakrishnan who was a final Engineering student studying in one of the prestigious colleges in Coimbatore (Government College of Technology). In the final year he went to attend Staff Selection Board tests for Navy and while attempting a difficult maneuver fell down and became a paraplegic someone crippled from the neck and got confined to wheel chair due to the multiple spine injury leading to paralysis below his neck.  
He was taken to Pune for further treatment at rehabilitation center for spinal cord injured patients. But after a period of time the doctors gave up on him stating that he was beyond cure. Thus Ramakrishnan a bright young final year student of Engineering found his life at cross roads. Apart from his dreams, his lower middle class family’s dreams were also shattered on account of the accidental fall.  
Ramakrishnan was motivated by one of his doctors treating him in Pune Dr. Air Marshal  Amarjit  Singh Chalal  who told him that if God had spared his life, it was with a purpose which Ramakrishnan had to search and find out. The totally dejected Ramakrishnan started his life on wheel chair with total dependence on his family even for moving a page of a book he was reading apart from all day today activities in late seventies in his native village Ayikudy, in Thirunelveli district.
The rural setting of his native village Ayikudy gave him ample time to think. He was concerned of the educational facilities of the village. Therefore to guide and mentor the local students he started a tuition center with a few students. In 1981 Amar Seva Sangam was founded and Siva Saraswathi Vidyalays was also founded with 5 students.  This later became small elementary school for the local folks. From there the seed for a high school came.  If you trace the progress of education wing of Amar Seva Sangam Nursery school in 1981, Middle School in 1991, High School in 2009, Higher Secondary School in 2015. There are 700 students and of them nearly 10% are handicapped.

In 1992 Sri S Sankararaman a charted accountant by profession with a flourishing practice in Chennai moved and joined with Sri S Ramakrishnan. Shanakararaman is also wheel chair bound on account of Muscular Dystrophy. He functions as the Secretary of Amar Svea Sangam which is having an able President in Sri S Ramakrishnan.

Some of the commendable activities of Amar Seva Snagam are:-
1.       Home for Children between the age of 5 to 17 with free food, shelter, clothing, medicine and medical aid equipments etc. In 1981 there were 5 children and now the strength has gone up to 70 plus and most of them are having motor disability.
2.       Sangamam school for special children.
3.       Early Intervention center for children with disability.
4.       Orthopedics Center
5.       Medical Testing units.
6.       Spinal Cord Injured Post Acute care center
7.       Disabled youth training center
8.       Vocational Training centers for Tailoring, DTP, Typing, Home appliance repair training, Toy Making, Handicrafts.
Some of the leading institutions that have regular association with Amar Seva Sangam are:-
1.       Sir Dorabji Tata Trust,
2.       Handicare International Canada
3.       Give India Foundation
4.       Canada Star India
5.       Asha Foundation
6.       Sir Ratan Tata Trust
7.       Grand Calleyes Canada
8.       Kamakoti  Trust
There is no point in listing the awards and accolades won by Amar Seva Sangam and its founders as the same may run into a few pages.
The organization is run with a ISO Certification. Renowned and able patrons manage the activities as a board. Annual reports are available with complete transparency.
Please pay a visit to the website. If inspired please contribute your mite by way of donation or volunteering.
www. amarseva.org  is the website.  

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