Tuesday, June 13, 2017



I am not going to talk about any sweet fast food !! Don’t be under the impression that I am going to talk about love bite etc. This one is pretty unique and I am sure you will enjoy reading this!!

Ajjiamma was in deep slumber. Her fondness for afternoon siesta is quite legendary. Same reclining sofa and two raised pillows to support her slender neck..not head. The pillows should come up to her neck. That is her standard. Air conditioner should be set at 21.5 C not a degree more or less. The siesta which usually lasts for 90 minutes will have various levels- Initial slow start… which lasts for first 30 minutes. This is followed by peak performance which lasts for 30 minutes. The same is always accompanied by heavy snoring. The final landing which lasts for 30 minutes is always accompanied by gargling noise of her throat. Then Ajjiamma is awake for her after noon rather evening tea. The whole exercise lasting for two hours from sleep to end of tea session is always performed by Ajjiamma like a perfect musician conducting a concert—from drawing the curtains till finishing her tea with great relish.

The siesta session shall start about half an hour after lunch and shall end with tea.

Today Ajjiamma was found to be smiling in her sleep which was unusual.  I was sitting and doing my project work and hence noted down that I should ask her, as soon as she wakes up from her siesta the reason for her unusual smile etc. I did not want to incur her wrath by waking her up in between to clarify my doubt which was bugging me.

After sitting in her raised sofa seat Ajjiamma gave me a stare and asked me “why are you giggling on seeing me? Is anything funny?” I told her politely that she was all smiles today in her sleep and that was the reason for my laughter.

Ajjiamma could not wait for a second and she too burst into laughter. Then she started “You know when I was a small girl we cousins used to go and stay with our Grand-Parents in CIT Nagar Chennai during summer vacations. The house in summer used to be full with six / seven kids. In peak summer we were not allowed to play outside and were confined to playing cards, board games as well as carom. I had the nasty habit of biting my cousins for fun. The same used to be done so swiftly on their cheeks, shoulder etc. As the days for end of vacation used to near, I used to be told by my cousins that I may be missing the biting session on account of their inevitable departure. So if needed I can bite them for one last time that day.”

“Today, as I was about to doze off I could find my Peran (grandson) sitting by my bed side. As I was about to sleep, he quietly took a nice bite on my shoulder and ran away to hide. I was thinking about this and connecting the same to my childhood. Therefore I must have smiled in my sleep”

Wonders are the ways of God. How such small characteristic of individual get transmitted from one generation to the next using gene, DNA etc. !!

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