Friday, October 27, 2017


This is the age of electronics !! World has shrunk on account of world wide web ! We have I Phone, Android phone, I Pad, Tablet, smart phone and what not to keep everyone glued on to the screen. We wake up looking at the screen and doze off staring the same. There are households where parents, grand parents are glued to TV / Laptop screens and children are glued to their cell phones or I pad . There is a common joke that to make the family to assemble for a Pooja (prayer) or lunch or dinner the best mode of action is to stop the Wi-Fi immediately.

As a teacher, I always have an issue with children who are heavily addicted to the Screen. By and large all of them suffer from serious attention deficiency disorder !! As the screen shots on every electronic gadgets including TV change so fast may be a fraction of a second. This happens all too fast for any of us to even understand and react. Whereas, whatever is written on a black board  or modern white boards which adorn the class rooms or books which are expected to be read by the students are static images. They will change their form, shape, design only when someone puts in efforts to understand and assimilate to move further.

This frustrates the child and they become bored with the assigned work in class room, while doing home work. This makes progress of cognitive skills to get stunted  resulting in poor class room participation, lower academic scores and what not.

Children who are stuck to their play stations and who fail to show up in the play ground have obese physique. Due to non participation in games they have poor interpersonal skills as well as lower team spirit. They are bound to become loners as they grow up in life. Their ability to comprehend and appreciate art and culture too becomes a question mark !

Last week we had a departmental meeting. One of the suggestion was to go for various WhatsApp groups in each class for assigning home work, house activities, art & cultural activities. As the idea came from the computer science teacher every one was growing over board and agreeing to the same in order to avoid too much writing work in students diaries. I put my foot down and told those present that a teacher was expected to write in the diary and parents are expected to check the diary. I also pointed out that rather than weaning the students away from cell phones WhatsApp groups would encourage them to use more cell phones.

Principal understood my point and shot down the suggestion. Don't you agree with me !!!

Please keep all these gadgets away from your children. Let them read books, play real physical games and meet one another in person not through smart phones !!

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