Thursday, October 26, 2017


" Parents are the first Teachers and Teachers are the first parents ! " Thus goes an old saying ! How true it is !

I often get to meet parents who have issues with school timings, attendance, health issues of their wards, domestic issues,  marks & grade on a few tests or project, as if their ward's life depends on that eternally and what not. All issues have direct or indirect effect on the students and their performance in school. This directly has a bearing on their wards long term performance. All issues can be solved by mutual discussion. But generally this is not the case. Parents choose to compare and try to make every thing a bitterly fought out battle. This naturally puts every teacher off.

Take the typical case of Pink's mom who has issues with Chintu's mom as both of them are in the same kitty and party circle. They have ego issues which they try to bring and project the same on their children. Whenever we have parents teachers association ( PTA) meeting Pinky's mom would not be satisfied with seeing Pinky's progress card, project works, school works etc. She would want to see all of that of Chintu. When objected she would accuse the whole teacher fraternity of partiality, nepotism, favouritism and what not ! During one of the PTA we had to seek the intervention of the Principal who had to show her place firmly but politely !

Another serious matter is parents telling lies to save their wards. Many a time they oversleep due to late night parties, gambling sessions or some issues at home. On account of that the children would miss school. Next day we would get letter declaring the death of grand mother or grand father or beloved pet. Rupal once brought a note from her father stating that she missed her class as her pet parrot had died. I just forwarded the note to Principal's office.

I took time to meet Rupal during lunch break. I told her that I felt very for her pet's death. She did not react and kept staring at the floor. I told her to not to neglect her food and keep going ahead with her lunch. Then casually I asked her whether I could visit her home during weekend to see the parrot's photos. Rupal burst into tears and told me not to do so. She also told me that she had no pets at home. Her parents had gone for some party the previous night and returned home late. They did not get up early to prepare Rupal for school as the servant maid too was absent that day.

The letter of excuse was a blatant lie to cover up !!!

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