Wednesday, October 25, 2017


" Children are reflection of parents " can anyone deny this ! Children have very impressionable minds. Their minds absorb both good and bad with ease and reflect the same at their own convenience whenever they want. As I told you earlier, I have children come and talk to me during the class as well as during lunch breaks. Sometime Parents Teacher meetings too give me a chance to interact with the whole family. I cherish these interactions as I feel them as the icing on the cake of my profession which is very noble !

Kumaresh was one such boy who happened to be in my second standard class. A prankster who chose to sit in the back benches. He was naughty to the core. To control him was a nightmare. He was always up with some prank or the other. In a class of 35 students with even six to rows were needed to accommodate the entire strength. Good or bad Kumaresh used to be in the last bench of any line. I talked to their class teacher Kamala who taught them English. She also had the same feeling as in one of her class Kumaresh was found to make cat calls which was beyond anyone's imagination.

As an International school, caning and other physical punishments were big NO NO in our school. So with Kamala's tacit approval, I moved Kumaresh to the first row. Thus most of the class questions were directed at him. This put him into alert mode all the time though, he always failed to answer. But over a period of time he started paying attention to the class activities. With Kamala's help, I started checking his class as well as homework note books routinely.

It was found that most of the pages were either left blank or had unwanted doodle in them scribbled without any aim or motto. I took this up with Kamala and started writing on the Diary which Kumaresh was expected to show his parents. That too were never checked by parents or corrected. Then I took the matter up with Principal. As advised by him Kumaresh parents were called for a meeting.

Meanwhile, one day Kamala came to see me in between the classes and told me that she wanted to talk to me alone. We took time out and met in the canteen. I was told that Kumaresh's mother had called and she was abusive during the telephonic conversation. She also told me that I was being referred by their family in their household as "Hindi Wali" a form of derogatory reference especially about someone speaking Hindi language. I told Kamala to ignore that and asked her when they would visit the Principal. For that Kamala told me that they were avoiding the meeting.

But the visit to meet the Principal could not be dodged more than a week. On a Friday the whole family of Kumaresh were in school. His mother decked up in Kanjeevaram saree and heavy perfume was present. She was looking more like a walking jewellery shop. Kumaresh's father was there following her behind. He was also seen wearing thick bracelet, a few chains, ring in every finger and his safari suit buttons were left open intentionally probably revealing his broad chest and thick hair on that.

I was in my class and could not avoid watching them from a distance on account of the heavy and eddy perfumes. Kumaresh was looking jittery as he would be called to the Principal's office. As anticipated a few minutes later there was a slip brought in by the peon asking me and Kamala to attend the meeting in the Principal's office. Kamala was in the staff room so she had seen the slip as she had initialled on that.

I marched to the Principal's office and proactively taken Kumaresh with me. I reassured him not to worry and cry.  I asked him to wait outside the principal's office. As I entered the office Kamala was already there seated. I greeted the parents with Namasthe and sat there in one end of the table. The initial conversation was in English for my benefit as I did not understand Tamil. Then the talk moved in Tamil despite frequent interruptions by the Principal to speak in English. Then Kumaresh's mother started in Tamil and repeatedly stated Hindi Wali twice. I got up and told the Principal that I neither get to understand anything spoken in Tamil nor get to contribute. I wanted to be excused from the meeting.

The Principal told me to wait for a minute and asked to me usher in Kumaresh. Kumaresh walked in reluctantly. He was asked by The Principal what was the issue and why was he making mischief in the classes. Kumaresh said that he had no issues and stated that after moving to the front bench he was enjoying the classes and school better. He was asked to leave and The Principal told the parents to keep their mouth shut and listen to her advice.

The Principal told in very strong manner that they could keep their political ideology at home. But should not play a bad influence on the child's psychology. As they were referring to a teacher
as  " Hindi Wali" the child lost respect for the teacher and started misbehaving in the class. Once the teacher reached out to the student there is a drastic change in his behaviour and he was trying to become a better student. But the political ideology of parents, hatred for a language at home was not giving encouraging signal resulting in disturbances in the child's mind !!

Words big or small, good or bad have great influence in Child's mind. Let us inculcate respect, affect and empathy in them !!


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