Sunday, August 27, 2017


One of the major time pass for us during our visits to Aunt’s house was to prepare her day sheets for two or three months at a stretch. The same used to be done with innovation as every date’s entry should to tally and match with Aunt’s travel bills. So after two days of rest on landing in aunt’s house we would be requested to sit and do the same religiously. The exercise those days was done with a little attention & care gave me an insight into learning and doing the art of mastering my travel plans and meticulously way of submitting the bills in time to avoid complications.

Once I set out on tours, all bills used to be collected and kept in one single envelope neatly numbered with proper dates. At the end of the travel it would become a child’s play to assemble and submit the travel bills to settle the float taken!

There was Live Stock assistant staying in front of the aunt’s house. His name was George. Though he was only a Live Stock assistant he used to be called Doctor by the village folks as he used to attend to the needs of cattle and pets during spare time. He had two daughters and as they were of our age we could pass time playing with them board games as well as cards! I still recall a visit by Dr. George to a pet owner’s house whose German Sheppard dog had eaten chemicals placed for fly control in their home. Dr.George had antidote ready with him and on giving the necessary IV injection the dog recovered instantly. The whole family was so thankful to Dr. George! I could see for the first time way of doing Artificial insemination in cows and buffaloes. This came handy when I moved to learn Dairy Technology.  

By the end of vacation, Aunt would take us to a local clothe shop in the town Poolawadi and get us clothes to stitch dresses. We used to get a pair of shirts and trousers. We were aware that aunt was taking the materials on credit and would pay installments to settle the bills. It was indeed so very kind of her do such a shopping as the same helped our dad immensely during school reopening.
Aunt was to retire soon when we entered college. Our visits became infrequent as we moved to higher classes. We used to write to her often. But she would not reply as we knew she was always hard pressed for time and busy with her work schedule.

Then all of a sudden we came to know of a sudden twist in her life. As I was in college hostel, I came to know though my dad of the same. Aunt was preparing for her retirement. One day she was visited by a couple from nearby town Karur. They were bank managers in nationalized banks. After calling on Aunt for the first time they stated that they were descendents of Aunt’s husband side. They had come to know of the existence of Aunt and about her short lived marriage to their relative. As the household then had already two widows, as per the then living conditions they could not keep Aunt in their house. As she was married into their family they were supposed to take care of her. The Patriarch of the house hold had dictated them to trace her back and do the needful to Aunt’s on her retirement.

Aunt was skeptical and immediately contacted my father and uncle. There was a hurriedly called for family meeting. It was then suggested that Aunt would visit the family in Karur and find out their living condition, life style, family values etc. Then she was free to decide whatever she wanted. After a few visits Aunt had found out that the couple’s intentions were genuine and they wanted to do real service to Aunt. She moved with them after retirement. My dad used to visit her on and off. He was happy that Aunt was comfortable and leading a decent life.

Dad used to insist that Aunt should become more spiritual. As someone who had lived all her life time in her own terms she never turned religious or spiritual. But true to her birth star’s prediction she ruled her world! She passed away peacefully after three years of retirement!

One simple secret…Aunt was in fact elder to my dad by at the least four to five years. But those days there was no system of recording births and deaths. She had given a false record in the office during initial employment. On account of that, though her official retirement age was 58 she served beyond 63 years and retired!! So she never wanted to live as a burden to anyone at any point of time!!

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