Tuesday, September 26, 2017


When we moved to Kallidaikurichi in 1972, we children made plenty of friends in the street where we lived, as well as in the school we used to attend. My father was busy with his work and he was mostly confined to his office. He had an old friend who used to work with him elsewhere, when he started his career. They became constant companion. My mother was all by herself and had a genuine need for a good company. The same was needed to go out for shopping of groceries, vegetables, to visit temples as well as to get accustomed to the local customs, traditions and manners. One might wonder what is so special for a Tamilian to learn about special traditions and manners in a village. Kallidaikurichi was way different from other places as people communicate in very different manner. One need not say “YES” or “NO” everything had special nasal sound emanating from the lips. People were addressed according to their caste and community. Always one needed to keep special distance to maintain. If you are naïve you would be taken for a toss in a bargain!

This void was filled up by Thekkathi Koma. She was, may be a decade younger to my mom! She was fair, tall, slender in built, had long jet black hair. Her face was lit with two big eyes and big Kum Kum on the forehead. God had blessed her with good figure but forgotten to take good care of when he went to make her teeth. Her front top three teeth were badly formed. They were protruding like a coconut grater. She was probably god sent gift to my mother, as she used to accompany her whenever my mother had to go to the river, temple, shopping as well as to visit others to develop common friends by calling on new people etc.

My mother has a unique quality which we admire. Anyone who becomes her friend confide in her everything, personal, professional, serious matters, trivia all come to her knowledge in no time. In the case of Koma it was no different. Soon Koma started confiding in my mother all about her childhood, marriage, family life, financial condition of family etc. Thus my mother became de facto counselor for Koma .

Koma’s father was a professional cook who used to live in a village ten kilometers away from Kallidaikurich known as Veervanallur. He was blessed with four daughters. He had to arrange and settle the marriage of Koma with Shankararaman though he had no regular income, profession or occupation because of Koma’s family’s poverty. Shankarraman was totally dependent on his widowed sister for day to day existence.  The sister was married into a rich family in Sengottai .On the demise of her husband; the sister became a rich widow and started living with her brother supporting him. Shankarraman’s only occupation was producing babies.

Thus the household had nearly four children, I am saying nearly because one was in Komu’s stomach and ready for release.  Shankarraman had a face with big birth mark on his left hand chin and fore head which was in dark pink color. The same used to give a cruel appearance to him. But he was told to be very kind and courteous to his wife, sister and other family members.

Komu’s famous pass time was to prepare delicious food for the entire family and serve the same to their delight. Then visit our family. If my mother was available she would persuade my mother to accompany her for a film show. If my mother did not oblige there would be someone else to oblige and she would visit the tent theatre and return home. Thus the household was surviving by selling old brass vessels, some silver ware, some time some jewels etc. Thus the family had little realization that they were sailing in a sinking boat.

My mother slowly started counseling Koma and advised her to go for family planning as soon as she gave birth to the baby which was on the way anytime in the next three months. Koma was reluctant as they were longing for a boy. The family already had three daughters.  As luck would have its way the fourth issue was a son and the family agreed to go for family planning. Though Shankarraman was reluctant, he had to sign the papers as the doctor told categorically that Koma can longer withstand another child birth on account of precarious condition of her health.

Birth of a child, other growing children who were all entering school one after the other , false social commitments all were taking a toll on the families finance which was based on liquidating all that was available. Thus slowly all the vessels made up of brass, bronze etc. were moving out of the home in front of our own eyes.

Shankararaman was not having any inclination to work or venture into any business. His sister was also pampering him to glory. Thus the sole bread winner’s responsibility would at any time fall on Koma. My mother advised her to look for avenues to increase domestic - income by doing small and odd catering arrangements within the village. There was tough competition but her commitment to quality and service stood by her side. Shankarraman had now no other way other than helping her with small errands to begin with which later became full- fledged involvement.

For that year Diwali she made a lot of sweets and savories which started selling like hot cakes. This was followed by other orders like catering for Rotary International weekly meeting etc. Thus the family got stabilized.

We moved out of Kallidaikurichi and after my father’s retirement settled in Chennai. Once we had to attend a marriage event in Kodambakkam. As the groom was family friend for us for years we had to honor the invite and landed for the evening reception. There was a welcome banner pasted by KOMA SHANKAR Caterers. My mother was certain that the same must be Koma of Kallidaikurichi. We went to the dining area and there she was. Now an entrepreneur with gold rimmed glass, Kancheepuram silk saree, Dyed Hair neatly pleated, with Jasmine flower, her big typical kumkum on her forehead and bunch of gold chains on her neck, Titan Raga watch and all that. She came and hugged my mother and touched her feet. Explained that she moved to Chennai a decade back as Kallidaikurichi was not for growth she felt suffocated. In the city she was known for typical Thirunelveli style catering and a small mess catering exclusively to IT crowd attended to by her husband. 

Children were sent to the best colleges and life for all of them were made by the initiative of one single enterprising lady!!

Sunday, September 24, 2017



Earlier days every family function was done with a difference….The difference of PERSONAL TOUCH!

 Our family marriage functions are all conducted mostly in very personal manner with each and everyone attending to the other person’s needs with a” personal touch”. Thus whether it is breakfast or lunch or dinner there would be someone personally going around the hall inviting both bride and bridegroom’s side repeatedly. The same person would ensure that elders are walked to the dining hall with proper escorts so that they do not trip or miss any step and fall. Once seated everyone would be served not just by the caterer in an impersonal manner, but personally attended to by some of the responsible group so that everyone’s need is attended to. Coffee with sugar, without sugar, tea, green tea, people who do not take tea or coffee they are given a choice of Bourn Vita or Horlicks etc.

There are Uncles who are called as “Santhegathu Sambar”..I mean someone who serves Sambhar so that in case of doubt the diner can have the same for idli in breakfast or with rice in lunch or dinner. There is a person called Ganga jalam mama (Jalam means water in pure elitist’s Tamil).One who serves drinking water. Now a day instead of jug full of water he places mini mineral water bottles. For elders  he helps them to pen the water bottle as their right hands may be dirty smeared with idly and chutney as they may be eating their breakfast.  

After they finish their breakfast/ lunch or snacks sessions there are family members to remind them to have their medicines. Some families even keep Para- medics in standby mode to help people to take insulin shot!

In Thirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu there is a saying in Tamil “Oil applied without proper pressure of the hand and the feast served without proper personal attentions both go waste”!  So every event be it small or big always happen with proper personal invitation, repeated welcome smile and attention by specially deputed family members.

In my family, my father being the youngest among all his siblings had the unenviable job of inviting every family member with invitation, gifts etc. by personally visiting all the family members. He used to take my mother and us to these sessions. Therefore I had learnt this from my childhood. My uncle would depute children like us to attend to all the guests need. I always used to get the dining hall duty and my brother used to be in charge of serving the “Thamboolam Bags” ..A bag containing a coconut, sweets, beetle leaves, supari (areca nut), Haldi( Turmeric)  and Kumkum.  Thus these values got greatly embedded in us.

Another important feature was seeing the guests off. We had the unenviable job of ensuring that the guests leave with proper escort, driver in a pooled manner so that no one was in any sort of trouble due to delayed departure. We used to even seek help from known people so the guests volunteer to drop one another. Thus optimization of limited resources was the order of the day. We used to get special pat from my uncle for that!!

We were also to ensure that the snaps of key family members with the groom and bride were shot with neglect so no one’s presence was missed!

The other day we travelled to attend a wedding from Hyderabd to Chennai. There were girls looking like some “cyclone victims” all uniformly dressed in the same color sarees, leaving their hair in a free falling style. As we approached the hall one girl came and gave us an unimpressive Name Sake” Namasthe” welcoming us. Then another took us to the dining hall and third served us snacks. Everyone was smiling with their teeth and not with their “hearts”!

There was a reception session and all family members were dancing to the tunes of some nondescript band! The family members were waving to us to join the dance. But we waited for the main event to commence. We waited for pretty long time and lost our interest in the event. Then we chose to hand over the gift to one of the “Cyclone Victims” as she was the one who come to accompany us to dining to the dining hall and came to portico to see us off !!!!   

In these days of Whats app invites and e-invites what more can one expect! I think we should also make our presence felt by some Laser Show!!

Friday, September 22, 2017



There are many interesting names associated with Kallidaikurichi. These names are very interesting and certainly make you nostalgic when you hear them being sounded in close friends circle. These names more over are used all over officially and unofficially without any inhibition. Some names are primarily used to differentiate between two persons with the same name to avoid confusion, some emerged out of affection for the individual, some emerged due to circumstances and location where people were residing etc.

KIMOO MAMA:- Kimo mama is an interesting name and this is to address a person by name Krishna Murthy who was working as village Karnam or Village officer. He had no children and was fond of all the children in his street & town.

BROKER CHIDAMBHARAM IYER:-  One of the most perspicacious personalities of his generation. He was everywhere and every time. He was involved in real estate, grains like Paddy etc., textiles and what not. Wherever there was an opportunity to bring two parties together Broker was there to get his brokerage and vanish looking for the next deal !  

KOTI NANA:- Narayanan is an interesting and nice sounding name. In Kallikadikurichi unfortunately the name would be immediately mutated into NANA.” Koti” in Thirunelveli district’s Tamil means “mad”. I do not think there is any need to elaborate this name further.

PICHANDI:-  Pitchandi was a very common name and we used to think that the name was to represent Lord Shiva as he was known to be begging for living as per old legends. But in this case the name is given to a child which survived after the death of many of his siblings or survived after a serious health complications etc.

MOOKANDI:- Mookandi is a name given to someone with a prominent nose! There were a couple of Mookandis whom I knew and one was a bank manager.

AMBI :- Ambi is a common way of addressing a young Brahmin Boy in Kallidaikurichi. But sometime this name can get stuck and the boy may be addressed as Ambi even when turned 80 !

KOMA:- Gomathi is a very common name and the same is linked to Parvathi wife of lord Shiva. However who has got the time and energy to call someone with such a full name. So Gomathi became “ Koma” in short. Nothing to get confused with "Coma"!  This Koma can have prefix like “North”, “South”, “East” or “West” depending on the location where the person lived.

KAMU:-  The name Kamakshi a beautiful name of Parvati, Shiva’s consort. This got twisted and turned into Kamu.

KICHHA:-   The name Krishna gets twisted and mutated into Kitcha. There are many Kitchas in one street so identify them they may be called as MUYAL KITCHA…one who had rabbits as pet as Muyal in Tamil Means Rabbit. Mudukku Kitcha one who resides near the entrance of the street is called so and so on.

KULATHU MANI:-  This is a very common name in Kallidaikurichi.

CHATHU :-  The very nice name of Mahavishu Sahasranamam got turned into Chathu.

VICHA…VICHU:-   Viswanathan is a unique name and the same undergoes various transformation and a few of them are Vicha and Vichu !!

ISHTA:- All friends are called “Ishta”. Ishta meaning “dear”.

There are some more names which are used very discreetly and cannot be typed and published !!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017



African continent and hunger are intertwined so much so that it is not uncommon to find one getting images of malnourished children, who are nothing but skeletons with bloated stomachs, so thin and frail looking women, utterly anemic, with match stick hands and legs. With such a naturally blessed countries, rich in flora and fauna why should any individual starve herein Africa! But reality is something very different. Sometime back there was an image circulating in social media of a child which was about to die and a vulture eagerly waiting to devour the same! It is such a pathetic plight in African continent though blessed abundantly by nature and its precious resources to suffer and stay in such pitiable plight all these years.

Improper distribution of resources, lack of political will& straight forward leadership, greed and avarice of the ones who are rich, exploitation by so called investors who come only to exploit the resources and leave the people in same old pitiable plight… all contribute to this sad state of affairs!
It is not uncommon to find the rich enjoying every single day evening choicest of richest single malt / blue label / black label whiskey served by local servant in tattered cloth. The rich then enjoy their drink with roasted macadamia / cashew nuts. Poor servant may go to sleep without his simple dinner, as he cannot afford the maize flour whose price has hit the roof!  

For the sake of a bag of Maize flour, staple food of many Africans, murders do take place as day do common resources due to hoarding go out of the market as traders want to make most out of the price hike which used to happen invariably every year when there is an acute short fall in rain fall or due to excess rainfall due to a storm or cyclone! Thus a commoner’s life so precariously balanced on natural vagaries goes haywire every year leading them to a debt trap from which they never escape!
Having associated with food industry and spent considerable part of my life in African continent I find their life style appalling due to poverty. Most of them travel long distance to attend to work. By and large the common mode of transport is their own feet which takes them to 5 to 10 KM everyday one way ,mostly commuted by running to reach their place of work in time. Most of the companies do not have facility for subsidized food as found in other developed countries.

 One has to carry lunch along with him.  To reach the work spot at 7 AM one should leave home by 5 AM. Thus after finishing breakfast at such an odd hour one runs to reach the factory. On reaching the work spot they rush to locker room to change and straight away hit the work spot. It is not uncommon for a worker to consume on reaching work spot sugar / milk powder/ biscuit powder etc. to get himself / herself charged to start his work. If caught by any supervisor they are dismissed immediately. The cold insipid lunch shall be the sole source of food to satiate the hunger prangs in lunch time and till he reaches home by night travelling another grilling 5 to 10 KM by foot.

This is the same with women who are pregnant. They too undergo the same ordeal everyday and are expected to take care of the life growing in them. It is not uncommon to find someone falling flat on account of hunger as mostly they start the day without any breakfast.
 In some of the African countries children are found to masticate wrappers used in food packaging as the sole source of something to keep chewing. Some of the workmen just bring an avocado as lunch as this fruit is found to sustain them for long duration!

Some companies in their wisdom provide free food to retain labor as the food provided is the sole motivator for them to come and work regularly. But such facilities are available in a very few establishment. By and large people come with their own Tiffin filled with rice, maize meal, fish or a few vegetables to satiate the hunger. One good custom among Africans is to share the food whatever little they have with colleagues.

The other day, I had to visit my director’s office. As I was about to enter the chamber I was stopped by a tall lanky worker who used to work in the packing hall. He was coming out of the director’s office. He was in tears. His gestures, garrulous sounds and body movements indicated that he was cursing and doing so vociferously.  As I could not understand some of his utterances, I called the security to avert things getting out of hand. The security officer then translated the story.

 This worker was fired, summarily dismissed because he was found eating some biscuits by a supervisor. The worker was claiming that if someone had eaten a food, made right in front of his eyes to satiate his growling hunger, was that a big crime in this developed world! My heart skipped a beat and I was also cursing mentally the man who went and complained this matter to a director as well as the director who had no empathy! I was reminded of the National poet who wanted to burn the world if one soul went to bed without food!  

Sunday, September 17, 2017



We are fed by our parents for plenty of time. One may not even have a count of the number of days one had dined out of the hands of once mother. A man can take liberty with his mother and demand food at any time because he is fully aware that his requests or demands would always be honored. If he is lucky to have a good wife and the understanding with her is good then he can make same demand with her. As of now under Indian culture his requirement for food at any time would be met. Beyond that one’s demand need not necessarily fetch any food at all the time even sometimes in restaurants.

I can never ever remain hungry and my energy level goes for a toss when hungry. Irritation sets in , concentration vanishes and I need to necessarily stop the work on hand and take a good break to fill my tummy. This was the condition even before I turned diabetic. With present diabetic condition the situation has worsened and I have little control over this biological need.

My mother always knew this and would treat me with “kid’s glove” approach all the time when it came to the question of feeding me in time. It was in 1995 and my father was admitted in a hospital for a surgery. His surgery was about to take place in a day or two and he was under observation. Those days I used to work in Cadbury’s Chennai branch in sales. My father was being attended to by my mother in the day time. I used to be with him in the night and in the morning would get relieved by my mother.
I was that day on a field visit and was returning to home for lunch. On the way, I thought I should peep into the hospital just to take a look at my father and mother. It was past two PM and my father was in deep slumber. My mother was reading some magazine as she used to be always glued to some printed matter to pass time. As soon as I entered the room, very first reaction of my mother was to open the tiffin box in which two idlies were there with liberally smeared “gun powder” ( Milagai podi ) ! It is probably the best meal I have ever had from her hand as the same was so thoughtfully preserved and served by her when literally rats were roaming in my stomach !!

In good old days in villages people used to wait for guests to come home and feed them before retiring to bed. Thus rice was left on the pot waiting for guests to come. When the last train or bus left the town / village then water was poured on the rice to let the same ferment to be consumed the next day. In our generation we have got Daughters-in-law and daughters who ask how many Rotis or Dosa one would consume to prepare required number of Rotis or Dosas. I always used to be perplexed by this question. If the prepared food is tasty one may end up having one or more. If the server’s love and persuasion is more same would be result.    

My mother’s youngest sister, my aunt has always been living in Trichirapalli. We always used to pay her a visit as her home is always open with a warm heart for all of us. During one such visit we learnt that she was hospitalized and undergoing some surgery. We a family of seven or so chose to visit her in the hospital. It was around 1.30 PM in the afternoon. My aunt was safely operated upon and was moved to the ward. She was recovering from the effect of anesthesia.

 As we entered her room with a flask full of milk for her, she woke up and on seeing us her first question was did we have lunch in her home !!!  

Friday, September 15, 2017


I still recall the day so very vividly, it was 25th May’1985. Just three days after my marriage. We were in Tirupati hills to perform Kalayana Ustavam( Performance of Celestial marriage function for the presiding deity and his consort) as per the owes taken by my parents. Jayashree my better-half was with me by my side, my parents and three younger brothers were with me too. Those were the days with little communication facilities like cell phone, e-mail, fax etc. Therefore everything was done through written letters posted in local post boxes. There would be no acknowledgement for those letters as before the acknowledgement reached you would reach the destination for your work!

I had written to our mutt for accommodation, food informing our itinerary etc. But there was no acknowledgement received. With great hope in our minds and prayers on our lips landed we in the Mutt’s boarding and lodging facility. We got one room for all seven of us. We had taken bath and got dressed for the occasion. These Mutts generally do not provide any breakfast and generally serve lunch around noon after their scheduled Pooja”s completion. Therefore we had to skip breakfast and rush to the function. Before leaving my younger brother approached the cook cum manager and confirmed with him that as soon as we return from the function we would be served lunch in piping hot condition. The assurance from my brother was enough for us to forget the hunger pangs and sit quietly for the Kalyana ustavam.

Tirupati abode of presiding Lord Sri Venkaesa always remains temple of eternal celebration. With speakers blaring religious songs, TV screens displaying the events going inside the temple, devotees in their anxiety and hurry rushing towards the queue complexes, shuttle buses ferrying devotees from one corner to the other, street vendors nicely lined up in both sides of the road soliciting customers for their wares, multi- cultural, multi- ethnic crowd speaking different languages, representing different cultures but all eagerly awaiting a simple glimpse of the main deity add to the divine atmosphere !

The celestial marriages is performed almost daily in elaborate style involve by bringing the deities called Ustavar ( In temples there are two deities Moolavar who is a statue of stone and immobile and Ustavar smaller statue made up of special alloy who can be moved around for processions etc.) and decorating them as bride and Groom. After that welcome ceremony for the groom, garlanding of Bride & groom and all other marriage ceremonies like tying the mangalya sutra, going around the holy fire etc. all done with piety and patience elaborately. Accompanying music from Nagaswaram, Ladies singing, Vedic chanting all add up to the holy atmosphere. It is worth sitting for such a long duration to get immersed in the holy environment!

The functions finished around 2 PM and we rushed to the Mutt for the Piping hot lunch. We were welcomed and made to sit on the floor as per tradition, to be served. We were waiting for the food to be served. By then another family of five six people landed into the dining hall. The cook came to my father and asked my father’s name. My father politely told him his short name “ V T CHARI”. The cook wanted with expanded initials and full name. My father told him the same politely.
By then the other party who had just landed were getting impatient and started shouting at the cook. The cook asked the other party to remain quiet and asked the person’s name and details. He also told his name as “CHARI” which is a common community surname.  By then we understood the cause of the commotion.
The other party had made arrangements for the lunch etc. but failed to turn up to confirm the same as they had directly gone to the temple for the function. The cook had prepared meals only for our family. We were very hungry and getting terribly disturbed. The other party was roasting the cook alive and dropping names of all big shots in Chennai to scare the cook. The cook had by then became too stubborn too and told them to go to hell! This provoked the patriarch of the family who must be in his seventies. He was becoming abusive and started shouting and lifted his walking stick and pounced towards the cook. He hand was raised above his shoulder with the walking stick and he was about to hit the cook. His wife and other ladies in the family started crying loudly. His children were dumb stuck!  

 By then my father who was watching the whole scene very patiently got up and grabbed the old man’s hand in time to stop the walking stick from hitting the cook cum manager. He spoke to him in an authoritarian tone and told him what his problem was. Then my father politely told him that we would give up having the food in the mutt and move out immediately. This would help the old man and his family to have the lunch without any itch. Though they did not confirm the reservation or arrangement with the mutt in the morning they would be obliged when we moved out. We were very hungry but did not open our months in front of our father. The old man felt ashamed of his behavior in the temple town that too in a sacred Mutt meant for its devotees. He profusely apologized to the Cook cum manager. 

Then a compromise was worked out. All the elders from both families would dine in the mutt. Youngsters would go out and have food in nearby hotels. Thus we al youngsters moved to a nearby restaurant for lunch and returned in time for the elders to a stuck a very close bonding made out of hunger and its outburst!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017



In Kallidaikurichi death of elders was celebrated with great enthusiasm. These functions attract all relatives and friends of the same community who dine together and enjoy a sumptuous spread of delicacies. These functions were looked forwarded to and people organizing these functions feel that mass feeding give lot of good “Karma” leading to salvation of the soul. They encourage all to come and enjoy the feasts.

It was one such occasion the person who had breathed his last was an illustrious banker who had a bank known as Hundi Shop typically catering to merchant bankers who trade in commodities. He used to discount bills and pay cash to traders instantly. On account of his fair dealings he was very popular among the trading community in that area. His children were married into big industrialists families like Amalgamation group, Shankar Cement group etc.

We were living right opposite to his house and we used to admire the gentleman’s taste. He was a widower and had very clean habits. Around 9 PM in the night after the English news his bedside transistor used to be on and he used to listen to Carnatic music and go to bed. Mornings were devoted to visit to Tambarabarani for bath followed by Pooja and then go to his bank which was across the street.

When this Gentleman passed away the functions were held in a grand scale. The last day known as Shubhaseekaram marking the end of mourning period and beginning of regular normal life was celebrated on that day. People from the community from the entire village were invited for lunch. People belonging to other communities stay away from such functions as per tradition as they may not be able recite specific prayers and adhere to such customs.

We children were watching the whole event from our house and were awaiting our call for lunch which was supposed to be the next batch. We saw one gentleman from a minority community rushing towards the house where the function was being held. He removed his lungi in a hurry and changed into a white dothi. Put a sacred thread on his shoulder in the wrong direction initially and then on seeing others changed it in the right direction.

Applied the specific religious mark of holy ash on his fore head and was trying to sneak into the household. By then my younger brother had gone to inform one of the organizer of the function.
He rushed to the front yard confronted the man and asked for his name and Gothra etc. This poor man was unable to answer anything correctly and confessed that he was very badly in need of food as he was hungry and starving for the past two days. He was politely taken to the back yard and served the full spread to his complete satisfaction and seen off with   all respect and gifts!
Though the person was pushed to his limits to satiate his basic human need HUNGER, to conceal his religious identity, he was treated with respect and helped to get going in his own way!!!



In the eighties, there were no courier operators in India for local dispatches. Everyone was dependent on Indian Postal Service which virtually had monopoly on communication business. I was managing an Ice cream business for someone in Guntur and we were the official suppliers of Ice cream for South Central Railways. Vijayawada happened to be the headquarters for South Central Railways. I used to frequent to Vijayawada Railway station to meet their catering department personnel, have meetings with Divisional Railways Manager (DRM) a very powerful position. Another important activity apart from these, was meeting railway guards who used to travel from Mumbai to Vijayawada and bring along with them important chemicals, flavors, cheque books etc. which used to be handed over to them in Mumbai by our head office. Though officially forbidden this was the only way to get things faster and safer in 24 hours. As we had a stall in platform No. 8 they would be treated with delicious goodies for their help!

On a sunny day afternoon, I was in platform No. 8 awaiting Konark Express from Mumbai. The temperature in the town was in 40 C ranges and the platform was further hot because of radiation. On platform No. 7 there was another super fast express awaiting signal. These platforms were the nerve centers of this station and always humming with serious activities. To stand and watch people scurrying, pushing and surging ahead was my great pass time. The whole stretch of platforms used to be an amalgamation of humanity. People from different walks of life all eagerly awaiting arrival of some dear ones or waiting to bid good bye to some other dear ones, people looking forward to their imminent journey in joy, sorrow, expectations, anxiety and suspense all have some hope or lost some hope await the arrival of a train which would take them in the journey of life !

My eyes caught the sight of one beggar. He was puny with a slight hunch back, stomach which had gone virtually to size zero, why zero we can even attribute negative as the skin of his stomach was almost entangled with his spinal column indicating that probably he had not tasted anything for nearly a week. His walk was wobbly; he was sweating profusely in the armpits as sweat was literally pouring like a water fall on his rib bones. His hair was totally matted, beard was free flowing almost touching his chest. There was a loose trouser which he had tied using a black thread tightly around his size zero hip. A few plastic twine were also used to reinforce the knots as the trouser which was neatly torn and hanging loose near his knee cap one side.

He had no shirt or vest on his chest. A a torn shawl was hung loosely on one of his shoulder which was being dragged wherever he went like bride’s veil. He was asking for alms from one and all, whomsoever he encountered on this path where he was walking aimlessly. I could see that he was not successful and like a hero hanging one extra minute to achieve his goal, he did not give up. His aimless wander in platform 8, where I was standing, was about to end. He did not reach our Ice cream stall probably thinking that the place was too posh for souls of his nature!

Then he moved to the middle of platform 7 passing near the telephone kiosk. The telephone attendant shooed him away shouting choicest Telugu cuss words. That did not have any impact on him probably he did not understand the language. As he entered plat form 7 I was a bit curious and followed him in to platform No. 7. Godavari Express in platform No. 7 was hissing with anger to leave the platform as there was delay in its departure. The signal was on by now and I could see the guards exchanging signals and getting into their coaches. Travelling Ticket Examiners after striking deals with eleventh hour travelers were also moving towards their compartments.

The train was picking up speed and on account of this dust from the platform was also slowly raising like a storm and moving along with the train. I saw the beggar too started running in sprint. As he gained speed he picked up packs of Snacks, Indian Railway Restaurant vendors Curd Rice and Pulihora packets, Bourbon Air Tight Carton packs from Biscuit stall and Chocolate bars from a hawker. All these in a matter of second.The booty was bound securely using the shawl and in the last unreserved compartment he managed to hold the door and barged in!

Hunger made him to take such a mad risk which would have made him to lose precious life if he was hit by any pillar or post. If he had lost the grip of the door handle in the last compartment!! 

Sunday, September 10, 2017



Kallidaikurichi despite being a citadel of art and culture was lagging very much behind in patronizing cinemas. The reason for the same was primarily due to the fact that the population density was very sparse. As people are by and large dependent on agriculture for their livelihood were not very keen on visiting cinema halls frequently. More over cash circulation which was very critical to entertainments like cinema was always under pressure. Thus it was not uncommon in Kallidaikurichi, which had one touring talkies as the tent was called to find ladies exchanging paddy for a ticket on the floor which used to be spread with sand. There was segregation for men and female seating. In the men’s seating it was a common sight to find people smoking and putting of their beedies (Indian form of Cigar, tobacco powder hand rolled into tandu leaves!) in the sand to extinguish the same!

The tent used to be the only source of entertainment for the entire village of Kallidaikurichi and the same used to screen 16 mm movies. On weekends there used to be system of screening two movies back to back in the nigh shows. The same was a trick used to attract huge crowd but due to limited population the tent used to remain empty. To lure people from nearby villages they used to tie up with private bus operators to arrange for drop facility in respective villages!
Nearby Ambasamudram had two theatres one Kalyani theatre which was on Vickamasignapuram road and another was Krishna Theatre which was near Tambirabarani river on its left bank. Krishna theatre had a rice mill and the theatre was used for rice mill activities like drying paddy, winnowing etc. in day time. In the evening ,after Sun sets, thorough cleaning of the floor film would be undertaken. And screening use to resume. But people who had taken floor ticket to squat on the floor used to complain of itching due to dust from paddy. But they would stop complaining on getting deeply engrossed in the movie!
Mostly by the end of fist show that is after 9 PM there would be no bus service to Kallidaikurichi from Ambasamudram. People would walk the two Kilometer distance discussing the movie in animated conversation and reach their homes for hearty dinner and retire. People who are night owls would take to second show 10 PM to 1 AM. The show was not patronized by ladies as they would not want to take a risk at late night. There used to be system of going in doubles in bicycles. Those days it was forbidden as per law and the cycle should have a lantern or dynamo light to illuminate the road. By and large the rule was only on paper and generally ignored. Sometimes local police constables in their over enthusiasm would catch a boy and his pillion only to let them go with a warning as everyone was known to each other in the village !
We were taken for some “good movies” as certified by our parents and not Indian Censor board by our parents. Some religious pilgrimage stuff or family oriented movies. All four of us along with our parents would march to the theatre and enjoy the show and return walking.
There was a very interesting episode that happened with cinema! One day our parents had gone to a movie leaving all four of us at home. We were advised to lock the home, have dinner and await their arrival. Due to some vague reason one after the other all four of us had hit the bed and fell asleep. Our parents on arrival were banging the door and could not make us to get up. In the end they had no choice other than calling a Nadhaswaram player who was hired  to perform in neighbor’s wedding function. The piped instrument, along with Tavil (a type of drum) were played loudly to wake anyone of us. But to my parents dismay none of us stirred out of the bed. Then with the help of a speaker and mike volume was amplified to make us get up and we at last got up to open the door after thirty minutes of their struggle! 
We had a neighbor by name Store Rajamani Iyer. He used to run a provisional store. He had been to a movie along with his wife and youngest daughter as all other daughters were married and settled elsewhere. After the second show they settled and slept over. The next day morning when they woke up they found the house was burgled completely. The movie they had witness was PUGUNTHA VEEDU a Tamil Movie which means… “Entered House” indicating the entry of a bride. But here the house was entered by a thief. Believe me the burglars had entered and looted without any noise or trace. But when police came to take a finger print the whole street was turned upside down with the noise made in turning a steel cupboard upside down!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017



Marriage in Kallidaikurichi is a great event and celebration for one and all living in the street.

 As soon as a date for the marriage of a girl is announced, the girl becomes daughter of the entire street! Everyone starts showering extra care and love on her as the girl would eventually part ways from the village and get transplanted elsewhere! This sort of affection is genuine and not just lip sympathy! You should see how two more people from Kallidaikurichi meeting in a different place New Delhi or New York interact. They do not shy away from displaying their affection for their village clan without any inhibition!

Marriage is generally a three days affair. On the day one Bride groom arrives to the village with his friends and family. They are housed in a nice accommodation. As there are no hotels there, every household in the street voluntarily vacates a room or two to accommodate the guests. As they accommodate the guests obviously, they all would dine together along with the guests.

On the same day evening there is a Mappillai Azhaipu…Bharat…receiving the bride groom after taking him procession from a local temple to the venue of marriage. Next day is marriage held with great fun and frolic. In the evening of marriage there are some games played by the groom and bride to the accompaniment of songs sung by ladies. These songs are more or less folklore in nature and have lot of meaning. On the third day after a special feast for the bridegroom’s party and bride’s family which is called as Sambhandhi’s feast the girl is seen off with the bride groom’s family. In order to meet the food needs on the way special food parcels are made and shipped along with the wedding party. This food is called as Kattu Sadam !!

There are people who wait for any household to decorate their front yard with mango leaves, Plantain plants and they would land up into that household from far and wide and claim relationship with the family through some distant cousin. They would stay with the family and dine. These sorts of guests rather Pests are too common. They would travel thirty forty Kilometers and stay for a period of three to four days. Apart from nuisance value they were also known to decamp with valuables from marriage household!

In a street with approximately fifty houses in each side one can find that all the houses are interconnected by a common door. This door always remains closed during regular days. As the date of the marriage approaches these doors are opened to ensure inter connectivity. Therefore if one has to serve food or refreshments! This door is called as “EDDA KADAVU” (Middle Door).

In the middle of the street marriage is held. Therefore three days before the event traffic in the street is blocked. A Pandal (sort of tent) is erected with special shamiana (sort of tent with covered top made up of decorated clothes), decoration etc. Festoons are made with freshly cut leaves from Banana and Coconut trees. Ladies take special interest to make Rangolis in front of their household! That adds to the decoration.

Catering is done not by professionals but by in house personnel. Almost all the ladies volunteer to prepare special Appalam, Murukku and other seer Patchanams . Appalam is a snack made with Urad Dall and it is fried and served during lunch, dinner etc. Murukku is a fried snack made out of rice and urad dall powder. Murukku made with hand is very famous in Kallidaikurichi as the same is fried in Coconut oil due to Kerala influence! Seer Patchanams are set of sweets and savories that are handed over to bride groom’s family after the marriage to be distributed in their village or town among their friends and relatives! There are set numbers to be given specially packed in bamboo basket!

Preparation of these dishes, keep the women folk huddled together in one or two houses for a week or so! They get enough time to catch up and chat with old friends and relatives who have landed in the marriage household!

As the day of the marriage approaches faster, bride’s father becomes a bit tense and anxious. There are elders who are ready to offer him free and fair counsel. They step in to take control of the events. At times, it may even involve doling out money or lending out money on interest to ensure that the event gets completed without an itch! Story of this money lending etc. leak out only after the end of the marriage, giving commoner an idea of the set back in status of the family in local standing!

There is a unique custom in Thirunelveli district. Under which ladies shall attend the wedding event only if they are specifically invited. So it is not uncommon in some communities to find it written explicitly written on the invite “Please do bring all women members of the family!”. Similarly in Kallidaikurichi during the wedding function for every event girls goes around the street with Silver cup containing sandol wood paste and Kum Kum and invite every member of the family for every event!

Guests whether they are local or outsiders are taken great care off. Lavish food us prepared and dishes are served repeatedly and everyone is specifically asked whether they need anything more! It is also not uncommon to find children carrying Appalam, Vadai and sweets which were served on the plantain leaf neatly tucked in and taken to home to eat later!!
As the function progresses the dishes in the menu too take different style to accommodate the guest’s need and physical condition. Thus it is not uncommon to find Inji Puli (Ginger & Tamarind Mixture), Special pickles, special Rasam which aid digestion towards the end of the marriage function! As these preparation, serving and winding up take toll due to day and night work after the departure of guests there are champions who sleep for one or two days at a stretch !!

Oh however much I describe the wedding function, you will never believe and get the actual fun only by attending one in Kallidaikurichi. The whole thing should be enjoyed with Nagaswaram in the background, singing by ladies and sound made of children.

 If you ever get an invite to attend a wedding in Thirunelveli district any town or village think that it is a God given blessing and do not miss. You will never return with any disappointment !!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


In every village, there is someone who knows all the secrets of every household! He has the knack of collecting sensitive, not so sensitive, relevant, irrelevant, trivial details with great ease and stores the same in his hard disc. He becomes important in that area as he is the walking encyclopedia. He may collect information from Barbers, Dhobis and every available source!

Toll Gate Sivaraman  Iyer was one such speciman and he had his house in the first block of Veerappapuram Street  and Mudaliappapuram Street. Therefore, he had the advantage of knowing all details of both the streets!

The lane abutting his compound was used by people from Pillaimar street to go to Canadaian canal for bathing, washing clothes etc. On account of that, nearly half of the details from that street and the adjoining Muslim street were also in his constant survey!

Sivaraman Iyer was a very non descriptive man but for his nose which would sense all sensitive news from a distance.  We used to joke that if any news was brewing he would start sweating in his nose until and unless he got full information into his system.

His routine was very simple. He would be the first one to take plunge in the Canal early morning around 5.30 AM. He would survey very discreetly and take attendance of all the Mamis who were present in the canal for bathing. He would then hurriedly go to the Pillayar temple. Go around the temple once like devout disciple, not to pay reverence to God but to collect any information in the air! Then he would sit in his reclining chair in the Thinnai (front yard of the house) and wait for his coffee and news paper. Then he would enter into his house only for lunch which should be served to him by 10.30 AM.  

Afternoon siesta and evening coffee cum snacks everything would be served to him in the reclining chair. After that when the night falls he had to make a hasty retreat to the house as by then the mosquitoes would become unbearable.

It was my father who gave him the title honorary title of TOLL GATE as he had seen him sitting in his reclining chair and sniffing around for information. My father was returning from work one day and he got down in front of Sivaraman Iyer as there was some marriage in our street and the jeep could not get inside. Sivaraman Iyer made my dad to sit in his Thinnai (front yard) and spoke to him for nearly ten minutes to elicit the weekly news from him. My father did not like his style of conversation and took leave of him abruptly.

Sivaraman Iyer was so busy with these Toll Gate activities; he forgot to take care of his own children. His daughters were past their prime of youth and were remaining spinsters when we started living in Kallidaikurichi. His eldest son was married and the youngest one was busy with all unwanted activities like smoking etc. Sivaraman Iyer who even knew the menses cycle of every woman in the street, did not get information about this son and his activities. This was a big surprise to all of us. Someone told that he was very much aware but because of the pampering he had given to his kid did not want to take any action! 
A few years back, I heard that Sivaraman Iyer had become quite indisposed and he was lastly known to be busy watching TV channels inside the house. I was also told that the front yard and reclining chairs were mostly empty these days!! It was very sad news for me as the Icon of Veerappapuram Street had given up his one and only avocation!!

Monday, September 4, 2017



We moved to Kallidaikurichi in 1972 middle of the academic year when quarterly exams were over and we landed there around October or so. I had all along studied in small schools in The Nilgiris where the total strength of each class was around 35 to 40 students. Each and every one was known to the teachers personally.  From such a set up, when I moved to Sri Shanthi Vijaya High School in Masinagudi though students used to come from three camps- Moyar, Masinagudi and Singhara the strength in each class was very less 30 students per class. In high Sri Shanthi Vijaya school we had just three classes and total strength was less than 100 students.

Tilak Vidyalaya was a massive school and had more than 1500 students. It had a glorious past as it was called as George IV English Medium Middle school during colonial times. Thus a century plus old  buildings were colonial in nature. Each class had six to eight sections. The school building, set up and academic environment etc. were very imposing. My father, for the first time took to me to school for my admission when I got into class 10 in the middle of the year. He met the Headmaster and my class teacher. He requested them to take extra care of me as I used to stammer very badly then.

The Headmaster was a thorough gentleman by name Sri N Venkata Subramanian. Everyone called him NVS. He used to live in our street and in the street he was known by the name Pitchandi. As his parents had lost many children during child birth he was named thus and he was the only sole surviving child for their family. It is another matter NVS had nearly a dozen issues and all of them were Engineers and scientists! 

My class teacher in 10th Class was one Mr. S Ramalingam and fondly called as SR. He used to life in Melamada Street. His daughter was also in my class and her name was R Lalitha. She was a topper all through her schooling days!

Our science teacher was known by the name Gangai teacher. She was a child widow and used to commute from Ambasamudram to our school daily. Her father was a lawyer and they lived near Krishnan Kovil in Ambasamudram. They had a basement in their house which was spoken very admiringly by everyone. Gangai teacher was issueless and she conducted herself in a very dignified manner. There were days when after heavy lunch with curd rice etc. I used to feel sleepy in her class. She used to think that I had taken ill and would ask me after the class whether I had any health issues! 

Sri A V Krishnamurthy was another interesting teacher. He used to sport a pick tail and had good volume of hair on his head. The rumor going around the school was that AVK was selected as head of the department of mathematics in Saint Xavier’s college, Palayamkottai. As he had refused to wear a trouser and declined to cut his pick tail he continued working in our school. Any mathematical sum from any corner of the book would be cracked by him without noticing any reference. If any sum was troubling him he would unfold the pick tail, scratch his back side of the head  for a few minutes and then crack the steps all over again with great ease.

We had a Tamil Teacher by name Narayanan. He was fondly called as “ NANA Sir” of Sannadhi Street !He used to come from Sannadhi street. He was more known for his easy wit and cool attitude in the class. The class would never listen to him and he was also not very popular amongst students.

Tamil department was headed by one Sri Neelakantan another Jambawan with thick luxurious growth of pick tail from Ekambaram Street. Judgments that he used to give in the Oration contests (Pattimandrams) used to be look forward to by everyone as they used to be laced with chaste Tamil.

There was one Sri Somayajulu who used to live near our house in Mudaliappapuram Street.  He was a Telugu gentle man who used to teach History and Geography. He was issueless and he was to have cleared Grade one service officer’s exam. He missed the same by a whisker and became a school teacher.

I was in the school badminton team. I was also a member of the Rotract club. We had chances to attend local Rotary meetings in Ambasamudram twice or thrice.

The school was also called by all and sundry sometime in a derogatory manner as Mutt because it was the bastion of mostly Bhrahmins. But the grouting and training we had all those years had stood by our side and looking back we did have great fun and enjoyment in our classes. The teacher’s had genuine concern and personal care for each one of us!!  

Sunday, September 3, 2017



Subbu Mami was one of the interesting characters of Mudaliyappapuram Street of Kallidaikurichi ! We moved to Kallidaikurichi in 1972 and were there till 1975. We were surprised and appalled to find that exploitation of a living human being could take place to such an extent after watching the pitiable plight of Subbu Mami. For Subbu Mami Kallidaikurichi was “PUKKAAM”--meaning her in law’s place. She was probably born in Ambur a nearby village. She came to live with her in law’s place.  Subbu Mami had her good old days which she was not even able to remember when we had met in seventies.She was just a skeleton which was mobile! She was totally reduced to a pathetic plight. She had by then become a widow.

She had a son who was a vagabond. He was into some catering work and would be hardly in home to take care of her. Most of the time moving from village to village with fellow workers involved in catering work. As for him work was hard to find. So he would give little money to Subbu Mami. With totally prohibition free condition in Tamilnadu, he was free to drink and fall far and wide in around the small village leaving the unenviable task for Subbu mami to bring him home and take care of him. In inebriated condition he would curse Subbu mami in very abusive cuss words which used to amuse the on lookers, who would not step into her. They would offer her interesting suggestions to disown the son and what not! Subbu mami would not  even murmur anything but would in all fairness and earnest love tender to her son and lock the front door on the face of onlookers with a big bang!

Our families association with Subbu mami began when we wanted to make KAI MURUKKU…( Murukku is Tamil Chakli..(in HINDI) made by hand) at home. It is one of the unique snacks which is made by hand by grinding red rice and urad dal. The intricate design on Murukku is a very difficult one and all process should be synchronized to perfection! Subbu mami was amazing and was doing everything to perfection like a master choreographer! The result was amazing! We children were given Murukku which was not fully fried and half done which we tasted for the first time! Then after a few hours another round of fully fried Murukkus! We had a gala time!

Subbu Mami was given a cup of hot coffee by my mother that day and she started crying that she tasted the hot brew for the first time after a span of years as she could ill afford such a luxury! She used to do all such sundry errands like grinding idly batter by hand in a few household. People would give her one and kilogram of rice and cheat saying that the same was one Kg and what not. She was also into making appalam in a few places.

One day, I was asked to invite Subbu Mami home to do some errand at home. I went to her home which was bang opposite the Bhajan Mutt in Muddaliappapuram Street. It was nearly seven in the morning. One had to catch her early as otherwise if she had moved out on some assignment it would be difficult to track her. Subbu Mami was not up, probably sick. The house was not locked. There was a mound of earth on one corner of the floor. There was no light or fan. One corner I could find the hurricane lantern which was probably the sole source of light for the family at night. 

I could find a few rats nibbling Subbu mami’s fingers in her feet. Probably she was diabetic and they were happy for her condition. Plenty of cockroaches were all around her household. Her matted hair was providing shelter to a few!A few were nestled on her eyes and settled on her mouth from which saliva was oozing out. My repeated shouts did not wake her up and from her condition I did understand that she would no longer be there to make Murukkus anymore and her exploitation by the rich and unsympathetic had come to an end as she had become dearer to God!  

Saturday, September 2, 2017



Pitchaloo patti was an iconic figure of Veerappapuram Street in Kallidaikurichi. She was a widow and used to look like a fully matured, round pumpkin wrapped in a saffron color saree. Saree is an unstitched dress material wrapped around in typical fashion. There are six yards and nine yards sarees. Old aged ladies generally wrap themselves with a nine yard sarees. Being a widow with tonsured head, Pitchaloo patti used to cover her shaven head with the saree in a typical manner. Widows in Tamil Nadu, in olden days shaved their head and lived a very rustic and Spartan life with limited food. They were forbidden to wear big ornaments, colorful clothes and talk to males other than their immediate family members.

Pitchaloo was no exception. She led a very secluded life. It was not known where her children were and what were they up to, as she never had any visitors or social interaction with anyone other than her immediate and near ones who went along with her in the morning to the river for her morning bathe. After that she used to carry a pitcher of water from Tambrabarani to drink during the day. While returning from the river she used to visit the Ganapathi temple by the side of Kanadian canal. She always used to pray for a sudden and unexpected death without any suffering.

The same prayer she used to repeat so loudly in order for everyone to listen. We all used to make fun of her saying that the return ticket of all of us would be confirmed by Lakshmipathi, the presiding deity of Kallidaikurichi temple, as per his own will and wish. We all had little say in that. Pitchaloo would never agree and she continued her prayers that way.    

One thing very unique about Pitchaloo was, she never ever bought any soap for washing clothes. She would use the ones left over on the river bed by one who had gone to take a dip. If anyone asked her why did Pitchaloo use their washing soap pat would come the reply that she was tolerating her company all these days and could she not take even take such a small liberty with her!!

Pitchaloo, probably did not attend any school as in her days there were schools for girls in Palayamkottai which was very far. She must have studied up to class five in the school by the side of the Ganapthi temple. But she was very smart in mathematics and could reconcile the amount of paddy unloaded and left in the granary with great ease. When one bullock cart fellow after harvesting and handing over the paddy bags was trying to cheat her, Pitchaloo had caught him red handed as she had a complete set of tally marks nicely smeared on the wall while the bags were getting unloaded. He had to touch her feet and beg her pardon to save his face. The entire street watched the fun and decided to black list him once and for all.

If any vegetable vendor, hawker or stainless steel merchant came to sell wares in our street, Pitchaloo was the principal negotiator and she would ensure that we all get the best bargain.

Children always used to taunt her to get best fun out of her. Thus if anyone had a small eruption of boil on the eye lid he would go to Pitchaloo’s house. Knock the front door and when Pitchaloo would ask who had come to disturb her in the afternoon siesta the boy would say that “ Kili Katti” in Tamil meaning eruption on the eye lid. The superstition was that the eruption would vanish in no time.
Similarly during the Karthigai deepam celebration we would sneak into her back yard to get the best fire- wood from her back yard to make camp fire. Pitchaloo would make so much noise, but she was aware that we were taking the wood from her backyard but still she would turn a blind eye even after making big noise. This was a routine affair!

Pitcaloo’s prayers did not go in vain. Lakshmipathi answered her prayer well. It was an Ekadasi and Pitchaloo was fasting that day. After her pooja, she was reclining in her swing keeping milk in the stove to boil. She breathed her last in the swing itself. There was smell of burning milk emanating from the house of Pitchaloo.  After getting no response to repeated shouting, the main door lock was broken open by the neighbors. When they entered, they found her body on the swing swaying slowly in tune to the music of Kunnakudi aired by AIR Thirunelveli Station!! 

Friday, September 1, 2017


Kallidaikurichi is a small village in Thirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. It is located nearly 35 KM from Thirunelveli town and 145 KM from Thiruvanathapuram. This village is located on the right bank of the river Tamirabarani which is a perennial river. This village has got great historical significance as this town used to be the border one between Chera Kingdom and Pandava Kingdom. The name  “Kallidaikurichi” (KAL-IDAI- KURICHI) implies that it is a part or piece of fertile land surrounded by hillock. Pothigai, Agasthiyar are some of the hills of this Western Ghat surrounding this town.  “Kurinchi” in Tamil means areas associated with fertile land and surrounding areas. Thus “Kurinchi” over a period of time got twisted and turned into Kurichi.

Most of the people in this town are followers of Singeri Mutt and Maha Sannidhanam of the Mutt fondly used to call this village as “ Kalyana Puri ” meaning a place which is blessed with good events. Kanchi Maha Swamigal used to mention this village as “ Kalyana Kurichi” ! After all great people think alike!

The town is blessed with Kannadiyan Canal Part of the Upper Tamirabarani Irrigation project, conceived and implemented during the times of British! Due to this canal and river normally this delta belt used to sow and harvest three crops of rice regularly! On account of good agricultural practices land owners are generally a wealthy lot!

If you study carefully the history of Cauvery and Tamirabarani river belts you can see both Vaishnavism (Worshippers of lord Vishnu) and Saivaisam (Worshippers of lord Shiva) were given equal importance and both of them flourished in these river belts. Kallidaikurichi is no exception. We have the Great Manenthiappar temple ( “Man” means deer in Tamil. Here Shiva is holding Deer in his hand!) and Adivaragha Moorthy ( Sri Lakshmi Pathi ) temple in Kallidaikurichi. Muthuswami Dikshadahr composed a great song in praise of Sri Lakshmi Varaham in the rag Abohi.  

There is a 160 years old school which has produced some of the illustrious industrialists and freedom fighters from Kallidaikurich. The school’s name before independence was George IV English Medium Middle School. After Independence the name has been changed to Tilak Vidyalaya in memory of Sri Bala Ghangadhar Tilak!

Kallidaikurich has got a population of 26,398 as per the last census data. Of this 93% male and 81% of female are literate. This implies that the literacy rate is much higher than the national average. There are many important tourist destinations nearby. Places like Agasthiyar fall, Papanasam Dam, Manimuthar Dam, Manjolai Tea estate, all the historical temples and their architecture should be a must see list in any tourist.

Kallidaikurichi is famous for its appalam..a type of snack which needs to fried in oil or toasted using a microwave. This is a cottage industry and exports reach all over the world. Apart from that there are many other delicacies which need to be enjoyed staying in this town for at least a short period of time!
Kallidaikurichi is one village which has eighteen aghraharams where exclusively Brahmins lived in ancient times. Thus every street used to reverberate with Vedas, music and devotional songs! 

Things are not all that same with exodus of local people to cities and other continents! Still Kallidaikurchi has got its charm, which you can only enjoy on a personal visit to this place !!