Wednesday, September 6, 2017



Marriage in Kallidaikurichi is a great event and celebration for one and all living in the street.

 As soon as a date for the marriage of a girl is announced, the girl becomes daughter of the entire street! Everyone starts showering extra care and love on her as the girl would eventually part ways from the village and get transplanted elsewhere! This sort of affection is genuine and not just lip sympathy! You should see how two more people from Kallidaikurichi meeting in a different place New Delhi or New York interact. They do not shy away from displaying their affection for their village clan without any inhibition!

Marriage is generally a three days affair. On the day one Bride groom arrives to the village with his friends and family. They are housed in a nice accommodation. As there are no hotels there, every household in the street voluntarily vacates a room or two to accommodate the guests. As they accommodate the guests obviously, they all would dine together along with the guests.

On the same day evening there is a Mappillai Azhaipu…Bharat…receiving the bride groom after taking him procession from a local temple to the venue of marriage. Next day is marriage held with great fun and frolic. In the evening of marriage there are some games played by the groom and bride to the accompaniment of songs sung by ladies. These songs are more or less folklore in nature and have lot of meaning. On the third day after a special feast for the bridegroom’s party and bride’s family which is called as Sambhandhi’s feast the girl is seen off with the bride groom’s family. In order to meet the food needs on the way special food parcels are made and shipped along with the wedding party. This food is called as Kattu Sadam !!

There are people who wait for any household to decorate their front yard with mango leaves, Plantain plants and they would land up into that household from far and wide and claim relationship with the family through some distant cousin. They would stay with the family and dine. These sorts of guests rather Pests are too common. They would travel thirty forty Kilometers and stay for a period of three to four days. Apart from nuisance value they were also known to decamp with valuables from marriage household!

In a street with approximately fifty houses in each side one can find that all the houses are interconnected by a common door. This door always remains closed during regular days. As the date of the marriage approaches these doors are opened to ensure inter connectivity. Therefore if one has to serve food or refreshments! This door is called as “EDDA KADAVU” (Middle Door).

In the middle of the street marriage is held. Therefore three days before the event traffic in the street is blocked. A Pandal (sort of tent) is erected with special shamiana (sort of tent with covered top made up of decorated clothes), decoration etc. Festoons are made with freshly cut leaves from Banana and Coconut trees. Ladies take special interest to make Rangolis in front of their household! That adds to the decoration.

Catering is done not by professionals but by in house personnel. Almost all the ladies volunteer to prepare special Appalam, Murukku and other seer Patchanams . Appalam is a snack made with Urad Dall and it is fried and served during lunch, dinner etc. Murukku is a fried snack made out of rice and urad dall powder. Murukku made with hand is very famous in Kallidaikurichi as the same is fried in Coconut oil due to Kerala influence! Seer Patchanams are set of sweets and savories that are handed over to bride groom’s family after the marriage to be distributed in their village or town among their friends and relatives! There are set numbers to be given specially packed in bamboo basket!

Preparation of these dishes, keep the women folk huddled together in one or two houses for a week or so! They get enough time to catch up and chat with old friends and relatives who have landed in the marriage household!

As the day of the marriage approaches faster, bride’s father becomes a bit tense and anxious. There are elders who are ready to offer him free and fair counsel. They step in to take control of the events. At times, it may even involve doling out money or lending out money on interest to ensure that the event gets completed without an itch! Story of this money lending etc. leak out only after the end of the marriage, giving commoner an idea of the set back in status of the family in local standing!

There is a unique custom in Thirunelveli district. Under which ladies shall attend the wedding event only if they are specifically invited. So it is not uncommon in some communities to find it written explicitly written on the invite “Please do bring all women members of the family!”. Similarly in Kallidaikurichi during the wedding function for every event girls goes around the street with Silver cup containing sandol wood paste and Kum Kum and invite every member of the family for every event!

Guests whether they are local or outsiders are taken great care off. Lavish food us prepared and dishes are served repeatedly and everyone is specifically asked whether they need anything more! It is also not uncommon to find children carrying Appalam, Vadai and sweets which were served on the plantain leaf neatly tucked in and taken to home to eat later!!
As the function progresses the dishes in the menu too take different style to accommodate the guest’s need and physical condition. Thus it is not uncommon to find Inji Puli (Ginger & Tamarind Mixture), Special pickles, special Rasam which aid digestion towards the end of the marriage function! As these preparation, serving and winding up take toll due to day and night work after the departure of guests there are champions who sleep for one or two days at a stretch !!

Oh however much I describe the wedding function, you will never believe and get the actual fun only by attending one in Kallidaikurichi. The whole thing should be enjoyed with Nagaswaram in the background, singing by ladies and sound made of children.

 If you ever get an invite to attend a wedding in Thirunelveli district any town or village think that it is a God given blessing and do not miss. You will never return with any disappointment !!

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