Friday, September 22, 2017



There are many interesting names associated with Kallidaikurichi. These names are very interesting and certainly make you nostalgic when you hear them being sounded in close friends circle. These names more over are used all over officially and unofficially without any inhibition. Some names are primarily used to differentiate between two persons with the same name to avoid confusion, some emerged out of affection for the individual, some emerged due to circumstances and location where people were residing etc.

KIMOO MAMA:- Kimo mama is an interesting name and this is to address a person by name Krishna Murthy who was working as village Karnam or Village officer. He had no children and was fond of all the children in his street & town.

BROKER CHIDAMBHARAM IYER:-  One of the most perspicacious personalities of his generation. He was everywhere and every time. He was involved in real estate, grains like Paddy etc., textiles and what not. Wherever there was an opportunity to bring two parties together Broker was there to get his brokerage and vanish looking for the next deal !  

KOTI NANA:- Narayanan is an interesting and nice sounding name. In Kallikadikurichi unfortunately the name would be immediately mutated into NANA.” Koti” in Thirunelveli district’s Tamil means “mad”. I do not think there is any need to elaborate this name further.

PICHANDI:-  Pitchandi was a very common name and we used to think that the name was to represent Lord Shiva as he was known to be begging for living as per old legends. But in this case the name is given to a child which survived after the death of many of his siblings or survived after a serious health complications etc.

MOOKANDI:- Mookandi is a name given to someone with a prominent nose! There were a couple of Mookandis whom I knew and one was a bank manager.

AMBI :- Ambi is a common way of addressing a young Brahmin Boy in Kallidaikurichi. But sometime this name can get stuck and the boy may be addressed as Ambi even when turned 80 !

KOMA:- Gomathi is a very common name and the same is linked to Parvathi wife of lord Shiva. However who has got the time and energy to call someone with such a full name. So Gomathi became “ Koma” in short. Nothing to get confused with "Coma"!  This Koma can have prefix like “North”, “South”, “East” or “West” depending on the location where the person lived.

KAMU:-  The name Kamakshi a beautiful name of Parvati, Shiva’s consort. This got twisted and turned into Kamu.

KICHHA:-   The name Krishna gets twisted and mutated into Kitcha. There are many Kitchas in one street so identify them they may be called as MUYAL KITCHA…one who had rabbits as pet as Muyal in Tamil Means Rabbit. Mudukku Kitcha one who resides near the entrance of the street is called so and so on.

KULATHU MANI:-  This is a very common name in Kallidaikurichi.

CHATHU :-  The very nice name of Mahavishu Sahasranamam got turned into Chathu.

VICHA…VICHU:-   Viswanathan is a unique name and the same undergoes various transformation and a few of them are Vicha and Vichu !!

ISHTA:- All friends are called “Ishta”. Ishta meaning “dear”.

There are some more names which are used very discreetly and cannot be typed and published !!

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