Sunday, September 17, 2017



We are fed by our parents for plenty of time. One may not even have a count of the number of days one had dined out of the hands of once mother. A man can take liberty with his mother and demand food at any time because he is fully aware that his requests or demands would always be honored. If he is lucky to have a good wife and the understanding with her is good then he can make same demand with her. As of now under Indian culture his requirement for food at any time would be met. Beyond that one’s demand need not necessarily fetch any food at all the time even sometimes in restaurants.

I can never ever remain hungry and my energy level goes for a toss when hungry. Irritation sets in , concentration vanishes and I need to necessarily stop the work on hand and take a good break to fill my tummy. This was the condition even before I turned diabetic. With present diabetic condition the situation has worsened and I have little control over this biological need.

My mother always knew this and would treat me with “kid’s glove” approach all the time when it came to the question of feeding me in time. It was in 1995 and my father was admitted in a hospital for a surgery. His surgery was about to take place in a day or two and he was under observation. Those days I used to work in Cadbury’s Chennai branch in sales. My father was being attended to by my mother in the day time. I used to be with him in the night and in the morning would get relieved by my mother.
I was that day on a field visit and was returning to home for lunch. On the way, I thought I should peep into the hospital just to take a look at my father and mother. It was past two PM and my father was in deep slumber. My mother was reading some magazine as she used to be always glued to some printed matter to pass time. As soon as I entered the room, very first reaction of my mother was to open the tiffin box in which two idlies were there with liberally smeared “gun powder” ( Milagai podi ) ! It is probably the best meal I have ever had from her hand as the same was so thoughtfully preserved and served by her when literally rats were roaming in my stomach !!

In good old days in villages people used to wait for guests to come home and feed them before retiring to bed. Thus rice was left on the pot waiting for guests to come. When the last train or bus left the town / village then water was poured on the rice to let the same ferment to be consumed the next day. In our generation we have got Daughters-in-law and daughters who ask how many Rotis or Dosa one would consume to prepare required number of Rotis or Dosas. I always used to be perplexed by this question. If the prepared food is tasty one may end up having one or more. If the server’s love and persuasion is more same would be result.    

My mother’s youngest sister, my aunt has always been living in Trichirapalli. We always used to pay her a visit as her home is always open with a warm heart for all of us. During one such visit we learnt that she was hospitalized and undergoing some surgery. We a family of seven or so chose to visit her in the hospital. It was around 1.30 PM in the afternoon. My aunt was safely operated upon and was moved to the ward. She was recovering from the effect of anesthesia.

 As we entered her room with a flask full of milk for her, she woke up and on seeing us her first question was did we have lunch in her home !!!  

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