Tuesday, January 17, 2017


From 14th January’17 we have entered into UTTARAYANA. This is considered to be a very auspicious period. Uttarayan is the period when Sun’s run in relation to Earth will shift from the Southern Run to Northern Run. Actually everyone knows that Sun is static, but it is only Earth which is rotating around the Sun apart from its own rotation in its own axis. This is basically due to Earth’s tilt this phenomenon takes place.
Uttarayan is considered to be the period when human consciousness blossom and maximum grace becomes available to hum beings. This is period when Gauthama became Buddha after attaining enlightenment on Uttarayan full moon day!
It is presumed that Dhakshinayan is for Purification and Uttarayan is for enlightenment of human beings.
In order to usher in Uttarayan the period when Sun enters the Sun Sign Capricorn, Mahara,  people celebrate Pongal, Mahara Shankaranthi, Maghi in Punjab, Kichri in Uttrapradesh, Bhigu in Bengal, Kite festival in Gujarat. 
This is precisely on Uttarayan it is stated that Bishma great old warrior saint of the greatest Indian Epic Mahabharat wanted to depart from mother Earth and enter into the heavenly kingdom. For this reason he was resting on the bed of arrows shedding his blood in the Karma Bhoomi Kururksehtra.
Kururkshetra is an important pilgrimage and tourist center in the state of Haryana located on Grand Trunk Road. Nearest biggest town is Karnal, which is named after another great Mahabharat   Hero Karan !
Kurukshetra is supposed to have derived its name from Kuru which is a lineage of both Pandavas and Kauravas and from the King Kuru, belonging to Bharata Dynasty ! It is called as Karma Bhoomi as it was the place for eighteen days war which gave to earth Bhavad Gita and Vishnu Shasranama. Bhavad Gita was recited to Arjuna to motivate him to take arms and fight after Vishwaroopa Dharshan on the day one of the war. Shasranama was recited by Bhishma for the benefit of Pandavas on tenth day, when Bhishma was in the bed of arrows and he was visited by Pandavas.  
On day ten of the war Bhishma was hit by Arjuna keeping Shikandi in the front. As arrows pierced his body he fell down, but his body was held afloat by the arrows. In order to support his head Arjuna made a make shift arrangement by keeping three arrows. To quench the great warriors thirst the arrow shot by Arjuna created a Khund from which water started gushing to the mouth of Ganga Putur Bhishma.
As Bhishma had “Ichcha Mitryu” ( Self wished death) he choose to shed all his blood on the Karma Bhoomi Kurukshetra and wanted to start his heavenly travel on Uttarayana ! From his bed of arrows he recited Vishnu Sahasranama in praise of Lord Vishnu who is none other than Lord Krishna.
Kurukshetra attracts lot of visitors on account of its mythological significance from people far and wide. It is known as Dharmashetra (Holy Place). There are trains from Delhi to Kurukshetra. There are innumerable busses. The place is easily accessible by road and the drive is pleasant as one gets to visit Karan Taal a lake in honor of Karna on the way. There are numerous restaurants and Dabhas offering good food and other amenities.
There is a Shiva temple in the name of Shtaneswar Temple. There is a village near by known as Amin Village said to be the place of origin of Abhimanyu who fought a brave battle for Pandavas.  There is a Bhrama Saravovar which is the largest man made Pond in the world. There is a Sri Krishna Museum to visit, Sannihit Sarovar to take holy dip on Ammavaysa and other Eclipse days as the dip is considered to be very auspicious.
One would never get disappointed when visiting Kurukshetra as the place is soaked in history, mythology and religious significance.    

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