Saturday, January 7, 2017


Job Interviews are generally a might mare for most of us around ! People who normally do not wear any neck tie, suit etc. go with all these and many more paraphernalia to attend interviews. Most of the interviewers generally want to show off their knowledge, rather than trying to assess the knowledge and capability of the one who is getting interviewed.

Generally due to monotony, the interviewer starts with the standard question asking, “Tell me something about yourself “, as if the bio-data which was sent earlier by mail, which was lying with the interviewer for such a long time was not about the candidate and it was about his grand- father!!
If you happen to be the opening bats man among many candidates attending an interview show, you had it ! As the level of energy and enthusiasm are fairly very high all the same would be spent on the poor soul and he would be rolled on coals!

Another interesting but very disturbing feature one usually faces was that of making the candidate wait for hours together despite giving a specific time slot. Thus the candidate’s opinion about the company and time management skills of the manager’s come out in very poor light in such cases !

Some of the companies make it a point to put the candidates in great comfort. I used to attend interview with a MNC in Mumbai, just to accommodate my request Vice President Personnel & Technical Head slotted the interview on a Sunday and made them available. Not only that the travel expenses etc. were reimbursed then and there in cash. No doubt I consider my tenure with the company as the best in my career.

There was another firm which was just coming up asked me to attend interview in Mumbai. After initial rounds, rounds with Technical Head and QA head were through. In the final discussion with the Head of firm we had issues. This Gentleman was repeatedly emphasizing on the point that I might be needed to work extended hours initially for product stabilization etc. Which was accepted by me. Then when the time for bonus came the CEO started telling me that as a new company as per law they were under no obligation to pay me bonus. This pressed the trigger, without second thought I told him as an employee I was also under no obligation to work for extended hours. The interview then ended in a fiasco. 

In my first ever MNC interview I was asked by the head of the unit, that I talk so nicely etc. but what did I know about Biscuits ! Without any hesitation I told him that I did know one thing that was how to eat and enjoy Biscuits ! This man burst into laughter and signed the appointment letter then and there !!

Sometime we do end up into some very unusual situations in interviews ! I was attending an interview in Mumbai and I walked into the head office of the company. From a distance, I could make out that my administrative head of the present company, who was based in Mumbai was sitting for waiting for the same interview !  In a hushed tone I told the receptionist my predicament and took asylum in the rest room for twenty odd minutes and then came out !!

Sometime back we were sitting in a panel for an interview recruiting a Mechanical Engineer! We had a boss who was known for his garrulous boss who was known to keep thrusting his views on others. Most of exchanges with him used to be monologue as we would hardly get any chance to speak out. The candidate was a Sardar Ji and he was very polite and pleasant. After initial exchange of greetings he was explaining some mechanical concepts and Kaizens he had done. Bingo our boss got into the discussion and without giving any chance he took over the white board. We were a bit upset and had no chance to open our mouth. After fifteen minutes or so then he stopped and told the candidate that he was selected. 

Bang came the reply from our Sardar interviewee, "Sir I have some for the interview. I have just told good morning. You took over and stopped non-stop and now you are completing just now and stating that I have been selected. How did you judge me ! "   Though he did not get the job we were happy our boss git a good feedback that day !!!

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