Saturday, January 21, 2017


Nothing gives so much excitement than creating something new all by oneself out of the blue!

For me the creation of  our kitchen garden is such an experience. We moved to Madagascar in June'15. We had a small patch of land right opposite to our bungalow and also on the side. Having lived most of the time in flats getting a piece of front yard and side patch was a great experience. We wanted to grown all sort of vegetables, fruits, flowers and all that. But the land was not fertile to say the least. It was full of gravel, building dust and sand. The first task was to give some live into the soil.

We hired a gardener by name Tan. Tan was found to be one of the laziest person on the world. He would come in the morning. Look for the first available opportunity to vanish in thin air. Language was another big handicap as he had no knowledge of English and our Malagasy language was as good as his English. Thus we had to communicate with each other using all sort of action and that did not result in any satisfaction.

But despite all these issues Tan arranged to plant two banana plants. To decide the location for that was a nightmare as Tan was worried that when the plant becomes big thieves would come to rob the bananas. With a firm foot we chose the corner most area for the plants. In one corner we planted a curry leaves plant. In the front yard we kept some flowering and ornamental plants. In the center we kept a few marigold plants.

We had a few Guava trees on the sides in an elevated area. They used to shed their leaves in autumn. Those leaves were spread in the patch of land for mulching. From India I had some seeds of Black Night Shade (Manathakaali) plant. These seeds started growing rapidly and we could get some greens for our cooking every week. There is a small patch for Pudhina.

We have planted plenty of Cassava cuttings. Now they have all grown up so tall and sturdy. We get to give away the leaves which the locals eat with great relish. Now we have also learnt to cook and enjoy the same.

Last week our Banana has given out its flower. I was so thrilled and started celebrating the same by putting extra water to the mother plant !

We have very unusual visitors to the many butterflies, birds and some special lizards too !!

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