Monday, March 27, 2017


       The final increment list was prepared by me alone and it was kept in top confidential manner without anyone getting a scent of the same. The same was taken to the Vice President in HO and got approved on a one to one basis without any one getting a scent of it.
A few Managers were nosy and tried to find out from their sources in HR department. But they drew blank as no information was available.
April Salary was to be prepared with revised wages. The list signed by the MD was handed over to HR Manager on 25th April to make the salary preparation. By then news started tickling to people in the shop-floor.
List of promotions were announced and the ones promoted were indeed very happy. They came and thanked me personally for recognizing long pending, deserving cases which were ignored due to nepotism.
By then QA Manager had a list prepared of his staff in his own good wisdom with actual increment given and what should have been the increment that should have been given. Poor chap he did not have any discretion, but left the paper with one of his lieutenant. He promptly came and handed over the same to me.
This document then became the main evidence to terminate the services of him as he was in the list meant for firing.  Poor Chap had an unceremonious exit.
There was a group of three old time shift in charges (Assistant Manager Rank ). They were all in night shift. They had a secret meeting amongst themselves. The three musketeers …MT ( Mr.Empty), AS ( Mr.Ass), PG (Mr. Pure Gas)… they ganged up the next day. Like the previous year there was an application in Chaste Hindi. With all that they wanted an audience with me by the end of the day.
A meeting was arranged in the meeting room. All was well till I went inside the meeting room. As I entered, I was shocked to find that the room had every one from Asst. Manager, Supervisory and Clerical Grade levels. I calmly took the letter they wanted to give. Then told that things were made clear to them in the beginning of the financial year itself and everything was done in a fair manner. If they had anything to discuss and debate they got to wait till the papers go to the board.
It was a charged atmosphere and no one was willing to listen. They wanted immediate declaration and announcement of fresh revision of salaries. It was evident from the tone at the meeting that the old Plant Manager was also behind them and the whole thing had his blessing !!
With the HR Manager’s understanding we told the team that they had no choice other than waiting. With that I had to return home as I had some visitor waiting for me! As soon as I reached home my blueberry went ringing! I was told that the team had walked out of the factory en mass and they were luring others to follow suit.
I had a few trusted Managers and they started calling me one by one stating that they would man the positions even if no one returned.
In the meanwhile a few unions too reached out to the group who had walked out of the factory ask them to enroll in their union.
After a few hours, better sense prevailed. Everyone walked back to their respective work spot. Thus that day’s night shift was over without any event.
When we reached office next day, we quickly got our acts right. We had a conference call with our Head of HR, Vice President Technical and MD. It was decided that we would not yield to the pressure.

                                                ………………….to be continued 3

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