Thursday, March 23, 2017


VCs wife was not told about the arrest. My wife moved to their home to take care of her in the night. As VCs cell phone was with the police officials, in switched off condition no one could reach him on phone. But local population could sense something amiss and started flocking to VCs house.
I could hardly sleep that night, as I was scared of the reaction of our Managing Director and other Board Members. Though they were told VC was in Judicial Custody no one would imagine he was in a cell locked up !!  
Next day we went to the session’s court. The matter of VC was listed for late evening . Though we could meet him and offer food etc. we could understand that he was sulking and angry. By late evening he was let out by the magistrate and he was told that he should attend to the hearing whenever called for.
We asked VC to take a day or two rest and return to work. In the office by then UP mafia had become so strong many were upset that I did not handle the case well as I was exonerated in the beginning.
There was a review meeting in our HO. MD was very reasonable and told that if in a position one did not mind the meta talk ( body language) one was bound to suffer. He was telling about the case of one of his close friend who had slapped a servant belonging to SC/ST and had to suffer a similar fate. We could understand that the same was told to break the ice in the meeting as well as to satisfy the ego of VC. In private he told me that I could not have anything more than what I had done and told that VC was bound to suffer like that which would teach him a lesson.
After a few months things were in status quo. VC had quit the job as he was not given a good feed back in that year’s appraisal. He wanted to go abroad, that was the rumor he was spreading. I had quit the job to move out. Following which PK was found sucking his thumb as he did not get anything out of the case.
In the end to get out of the case VC offered him INR 25000 ( < 400 USD). This was done by arranging a one to one meeting between VC and PK. PK then moved to Una Sessions Court and stated that he was misguided and ill informed. Therefore he filed the case.
The matter was then closed once and for all. Poor VC had to come from Kanpur to Una three to four times to get himself free !!
Law as people say is an ASS ! I learnt it the hard way !!

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