Thursday, March 23, 2017


I have been always a law abiding citizen and respect the laws of my mother land INDIA. Ever since childhood, we were brought up as law abiding students by teachers, parents and everyone. Even when accepting any job offers, I have amply made it clear to prospective employers that cutting corners was not my cup of tea, on account of this have lost a lot of money by way of salary which does not cause any regret in my life.  I value a good night sleep much more than that.
But for a few instance of traffic violations, there were no issues with law all through my life.
But all these things changed a few years back, when I was on employment in Himachal Pradesh. As a unit of the company, we had more than 1600 people on our rolls. Apart from that we used to employ a lot of contract workmen time to time to meet the seasonal demands. These workmen used to be supplied by labour contractors.
These migratory labour used to come from places like Bihar, Jharkhand, UP etc. These contractors used to bring labour to the factory. They used to stay within the factory premises to take care of their wards. They used to be provided with a few rooms and facility to cook within the rooms. Company used to pay money to the labour directly and a over- riding commission to the contractor every month.
Thus there used to be good rapport between the local supervisory staff and contractors. Some Supervisors were alleged to be in the pay roll of contractors, as they used to be found dining, partying with the contractors. This had led to some acrimony among some of the contractors and I had prior information that some mischief by way of inflated numbers, extra over time, proxy etc. being done by one supervisor by name PK.
 PK was put under watch and he was soon caught red handed with such malpractices and relevant documents. PK was one of the old school supervisor and a local person too. He was vehemently opposed to local communist union. In our factory we had three unions one by congress party and the sitting MLA from the area was the industrial minister of the state. Second one was Communist union which was more popular among the workmen and staff. Third one was dormant BJP union which was living in its past glory.

                                             ............ to be continued ...

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