Friday, March 31, 2017

RINN & ME.............. 4

HR head the villain :-

Generally, people who are supposed to be taking care of people have a bad reputation of abusing power, position and exploiting the situation. In our case too the situation was no different. Our HR head had a notorious reputation due to the following interesting reasons.

He had his wife employed in the factory as a worker. Her brother was also working in the factory. Apart from that his concubine was also working in the factory along with her brother.

There was wide spread rumor that he was always interested in getting money which he used to manage by getting from fresh recruits. This used to be routed through the friend of his concubine.  This fact was being discussed and debated all around on the shop floor. Even some Directors spoke openly about this but no one bothered to confront the person on account of his longevity in the organization.

RINN was never happy with the HR head as she found him to be too nasty and mean. She had confined in me twice that this man used to harass her by calling her to his cabin on pretext or the other. It was also told by her that she was addressed by him in French as “My lady love” which she found very nauseating.  She was asking my suggestion on the way to handle the situation.

I told her to be polite and affirmative whenever she dealt with the HR person. I had also asked her to avoid his company by not listening to his lewd remarks whenever he happened to pass by her. She was also told that she should never visit him alone if summoned by him and should meet him in the company of other lady colleagues.

This matter was also subtly communicated to the Directors who pretended not to be listening to this unwanted issue!!

There were frequent instances of erroneous calculation of salary and wages by HR head. This would be revealed just when the salaries would be dispersed. Instances of fudged over time and leave to people who were obliging him were also in the air for people to pick up the signal.

It was also alleged that in order to employ people he would be seeking amoral favors from people. Money was said to be routed through an agent with in the factory. Despite all these things he had his kingdom to rule and manage with immunity.

Due to some unforeseen reason, probably because RINN was not yielding to the advances and solicitations of HR head she was unceremoniously removed from the position of Team Leader by the HR head. This was not also communicated to anyone on the shop floor. In her place a new lady was posted as the Team Leader. The new girl chosen and  thrust on production team who was not even 10% as smart as RINN. She was also not very popular amongst the members of the team.

As someone who was used to RINN from the beginning I was feeling handicapped. I continued to call RINN to help. Though she used to tell me she was no longer the team leader she could not avoid my requests. Therefore she continued to help me.

By then I could see some change in RINN. She started wearing Indian suit and dress. Along with that there were some times bangles on her hand too !! Sometime she started telling SHUKRIYA meaning Thanks in Urdu!  This I found to be very mysterious  !!

                                                To be concluded……..

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