Saturday, April 29, 2017


RAMESH.B………. 2

As a BAZIGAR (Magician), I need to be well informed and a bit nosy to get what is there in the air much earlier than others. I cultivated this habit by being present at the right place at right time. On account of this my gut feelings never ever disappointed me.

I would rate my first meeting with Sudhir as the God sent gift! It was sometime in March. March as you may be aware being the last months of the financial year always a nightmare month for all sales personnel. I was no exception. I was sailing with  less than 30% of the target sales for that month.

Saha my boss was breathing fire every day. As we reached fourth week there was a subtle threat to my job too from him.  At that point of time I had a meeting with Sudhir for some special type of packaging material. For the first time in my life I went to the local temple broke a coconut, applied a vermilion mark on my forehead and went for the meeting.

As usual Sudhir was busy and his secretary offered me a seat and coffee! I declined the offer for coffee and I was thinking at that point of time in the afternoon a can of chilled beer would have been better. By then Sudhir opened his cabin and asked me to come in side.

After initial pleasantries the conversation veered around to business. I got up and told him that I would fall in his feet if he did not offer me a life line. Sudhir was shocked. By then my mobile started ringing. I could see it was Saha’s call. I cut the call. But he would not stop, he called again.

I told Sudhir that this was the call of death and I would be anytime pulled by the messengers of death as they were waiting for me to fail in that month’s target. Saha called me again. This time around with Sudhir’s permission I took his call and told him that I was busy with Sudhir. Saha did not believe me and asked me to hand over the phone to Sudhir. Sudhir was willing to take the call. They both spoke in Bengali which I could hardly understand. Sudhir was all smiles when he handed over my cell phone and told me that Saha wanted to speak to me.

Saha told me to book a room for him in Taj Coramendel for two days after two days. He also advised me that one night there should be dinner for Sudhir.

Sudhir told me that my job was safe and I should meet him in his house the next day evening.

I was too thrilled at the prospect of meeting Sudhir in his den. I knew he had two brats as his kids.  The idea of meeting his wife was too interesting too. I wanted to make the most of that occasion. I was dressed to kill that day. Clean shave, special perfume, special Cross pen was there in my pocket. I had taken permission from Saha for special gifts for the family and the expenses would be approved by Saha during his forthcoming visit to Chennai.

There were chocolates for the kids, sweets, snacks for Bhabiji and special Cashew Kathili sweet and cashew pakoda for Sudhir.I knew he had a weakness for cashew nuts !  All cost me INR 1000 and I bought INR 1000 worth of goodies for my family too. Total INR 2000 would be billed to company!! How do I survive otherwise!

I landed at his home dot 5 PM. I was asked by Sudhir whether I got any message from Saha. I said no. Sudhir swore in choice Tamil and told me to call straightaway Saha on his cell. I did as instructed. Saha was disturbed and told me to hand over the phone to Sudhir. I did as advised. Then there was a Bengali talk for 15 minutes between them.
I was told by Sudhir that Saha would tell me what to do and I should follow. I said OK.

I spent nearly an hour with Sudhir and his family. The kids took my Cross pen to scribble on the wall and never returned. Bhabi ji gave me something called as Coffee. It was terrible. But to please her I had to pretend to drink the same whole one hour and left half a cup as it was. They grabbed all the snacks and sweets.

When I was there with them, Sudhir got a call from someone. In a hushed tone he was talking. But I could make it out that Sudhir was attending an interview with some head hunter on the day when Saha would be hosting dinner for him in Taj. My job became easy to find out what Sudhir was up to by staying at one place.

Saha called me that day later and told that I must arrange for Sudhir and his family air ticket to Thailand and back. The bills should be sent by courier to Saha and payment would be made by company. It was supposed to be treated very confidentially without any leak. He told me that would pave way for my entry into Sudhir’s company and we would make big sales!!

Tickets to Sudhir’s were delivered in Sudhir’s home by me. Bhabi ji was all to please to see me again. The kids were away at play school. Bhabhi ji was alone and she was cool to talk to and offered me the special coffee again! I told her I am not in the mood for coffee. Therefore I was treated with a cool drink. Though I had beer in mind I had to gulp the sugary syrup. This encounter made me to break the ice with Bhabhi ji and she now started calling me by my first name!

By then I asked her whether she would be attending the dinner at Taj with Saha. She told me that Sudhir might have forgotten to inform her she would find out and later inform me.

After handing over the tickets I took courage to call Sudhir on his cell. He took the call after three rings. He thanked me and told me I should meet him in his office next day. Next day I went and I was not stopped by his secretary and straight away walked into his cabin. He gave me the order for trial packaging material which was too big to save my job for life time.

He later told me that by then I was under his wings and should never worry about job!!  

Saha got my SMS on the receipt of the order. He told me that his trip to Chennai was not needed as the job was done. He told me that company would save money if he cancelled his air ticket. He also congratulated me for handling the issue well with Sudhir.

I reminded him about Taj booking. He told me to hand over the room to Sudhir and take his kids with me for a long day out in some fun land. I told him that would be fun provided; I was allowed to take my family out too. So Sudhir got to enjoy a cozy day with Bhabi ji in Taj and we as a family had fun in wonder land. My son bonded well with Sudhir’s brats as the outing meant for him plenty of Ice-cream and Pizza.

When we met later in Taj that evening I could make sure to find out about the interview he had and other details. By then it was clear that Sudhir would be signing with the Italian company as General Manager soon. However I was told not to share the news with Saha et. al. by Sudhir. In turn, I got a guarantee from him that I would be part of his team in the new company!!

Thursday, April 27, 2017


Life was going on very smoothly and steadily! I was able to climb many ladders in my corporate career swiftly and steadily as I was considered to be a “star performer” by all corporate stalwarts of my company. I was also constantly devoting my attention to fulfill my time and efforts to become indispensible for the company. I was frequently updating myself with all that was going around in my field by browsing the net, meeting regularly marketing professionals from my suppliers as well as competitors.
All were very fond of talking as they rarely get a good listener like me. Thus whenever any sales / marketing persons sought an appointment, the standing instruction in my office was to accommodate their request and allocate maximum time for them.
They were taken care well by my office team. Best cups and cutlery were used to serve them unlimited amount of refreshments. When they came to my chamber they were made to sing and unload all possible information from the market place.
Thus I was always one step ahead of all the persons in our set up in terms of market information.
In the personal front too I was blessed with two babies in succession in a span of three years. With this our family was felt to be complete. Uma was indeed very happy with this. The arrival of kids and my own career progress made Uma’s working redundant. She chose to be an housewife with full time responsibility of taking active care of the kids.
Uma was good with intra- day trading which she had learnt with her banking skills. She became an active participant in stock market supplementing to our family kitty.
With my experience with many suppliers of machinery and materials now I started getting a lot of feelers for supporting them for extra personal benefits for me. Initially I was reluctant, but later found out that the ways of the world was different and fell into the trap. Thus money was pouring in and making our nest well provided and taken care off!
Despite illegal gratification sleep for me was never a problem as I was taking care of people up the lane by providing very expensive gifts for all and sundry who visited our city. Thus there was always a dozen special Kancheevaram sarees at home to give to wives of seniors whenever they passed by the city !!
One fine morning, I got a call from a head hunter asking me for a meeting with them in a posh star hotel. It was irresistible once in a life time offer as briefed by the head hunter!!  
Thus my second saga of an Italian innings began!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


DAMODAR APTE this name was in the lips of every member of our WhatsApp group as he got connected to our group after a very long break very recently.
We are bunch of class mates who graduated in 1982 and moved all over the world. Some chose to stay in the core function of food processing. Some chose to move to IT, some to automobiles, a few went and became entrepreneurs, a few chose to be close to the alma mater and do research etc. But the whole gang on account of the four years spent together remained close to each other. From the men folk the association became strong with spouses and then moving on to children.
There were daily exchange of messages, jokes, anecdotes and what not! Some jokes were mild vegetarian ones, some were hot non-vegetarian ones. Same was the case with videos too. But everything was enjoyable as we are group of people more or less fifty five plus with empty nests, these messages and exchanges gave some solace and relief that there is a group to exchange notes and keep a tab on all of us!
There were times we talked about old classes, tough professors, proxies given, copying carried out very clandestinely, times when we were caught without even realizing that after thirty five years of career a few have become CEO’s, some are Directors and Executive Directors now !
Despite our best efforts we could not trace and locate a few of the gang! Face book, Twitter etc. were of no help. We tried far and wide. One of the persons searched so thoroughly was DAMODAR APTE!
Damodar was from Akola District of Maharashtra! He was from a very underprivileged background. His parents were no more when he joined our class in 1978. He was supported by his eldest brother to carry out his graduation. He had to take personal tuitions for a few professors’ children in the evenings to support his course. The same would also give him some nice refreshments in the evening to avert unnecessary canteen expenses.
Damodar had a few close friends. He would socialize only with them as they all would be from Vegetarian mess and stingy guys who did not indulge in any extravagance in the entire four years.
Damodar was crazy after going abroad for work or further education. He was not very smart with his course work and his English was pathetic with typical rustic voice and pronunciations.
We all after the training and placement were totally ignorant of him and a few non-social guys. Thus lost touch with them totally. Our searches in Face book led to different Damodar and we did befriend them with a faint hope that the person may be the same.
But one fine morning after 35 years of guess work on Damodhar during which time it was assumed that he had married an Irish lady and set up base in Ireland, he had married a Dane and stayed back in Denmark etc. we found out that Damodhar was indeed in Ireland working for a company as well as he had his own business there. He did marry an Indian scholar with Doctorate and the have two daughters now.
It was a pleasant surprise to get a call from Damodahr one Friday! I was shocked by his same rustic tone vibrating with great excitement on hearing my voice. We talked about friends, family, jobs, investments, children’s marriage what not! After an hour or so Damodhar told that we must pay him a visit in Ireland etc. He was talking about investments of 40000 Euro for a condominium in Bangkok Thailand for vacation etc.
Then I slowly asked him what the opportunities were for someone like me to find a job or so. Damodhar was explaining that one must own or open fresh business and scope for subsidy etc. were high and all that. Then there were some background talks and Damodahar told me that he would call me the very next day!
Fifteen days have passed by! Now I neither see any message from Damodhar in our group nor I have heard anything from him after that!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


I am person born in the sun sign “Gemini” ! I get bored with routine too soon. There got to be some excitement every time to keep things going and make me glued to the same. That is my style.

But well every story must have a key person whom we call in Hindi as “Sutradhari” ! In this case of obsession I have donned the role of key person! A role which had all the element of melodrama, peaking of emotions, betrayal, ditching and what not ! Well all these kept me active and very active for three ;long years !

I have known Sudhir and family since long time. We worked together and he had even attended my wedding with his wife to grace the function.

As times changed we changed jobs and moved in different directions. But whenever we wanted we were in contact like exchanging New Year cards etc. Those days there was no email and hard cards were sent with stamps well in advance to reach in time!
As Sudhir was a known name in Industry his career moves were tracked by many and there used to be whispers when things were not going with him well in some place or when he was met some head hunters!

That’s how I got the scent that Sudhir was up to something big a bit soon. I called him from Africa when I hear that and I was told by him to call back after a week or so.

I could not control my anxiety and I was praying that something good should come out after a week. I was then given a fax No. by him and asked to send my CV by fax soon. I did just that and kept quiet. The recipient’s fax No. indicated some new company in Chennai, India. That was it I was happy that there could be a chance to move back to India.

What was to follow next would be interesting after you hear the best part of story from Sudhir’s side !

Sunday, April 23, 2017


I was in deep sleep. I do not know what this jet-lag means! Therefore day, night, time difference all these had no meaning. When I woke up the plane was still flying high up in the sky. Most of the people were deep asleep.
Having stepped into aircraft for the first time, I enjoyed travelling from Mumbai to Mauritius and then to Madagascar. The food in the aircraft had little appeal to me. I found people drinking colorful liquid one glass after another and asking for more.
My father told me to keep quiet and enjoy apple juice. I was a bit scared to have that too because if I drink more I may have to disturb my father to take me to the toilet again and again. My mother was fast asleep as she was tired rather too tired, as for the past three months she was working, over working to pack and find our home in Nangal Village in Punjab, North India.
I was trying to forget my friends Somesh, Atul, Pinky, Gurmeet (the Sikh boy with turban!) all around six to eight years age. How can I forget them, they were my buddies always ready to roll out their cycles to go on Cycle safari all around our colony! We were feared by most of the elders as they were too scared to take out their cars when we were cycling! They would ask their aunties or old girl friends to stand out and stop us if they were parking or reverse their cars.
From early morning school bus journey to evening home return and then evening cycle safaris after mandatory tuition sessions we all had great fun! Most of the times, I had my snacks and evening dinner with my neighbors’, either in Somesh’s house or Pinky’s place. I hate eating alone at home that too in the company of Dadu (Grandfather) as he would start advising how to eat and how not to waste food. In my friend’s place it was fun as the TV would be on we could eat whatever placed on the plate with Pokey man, Dore man and Spiderman’s company! Dadu I miss you and I am sorry today I junked the sandwich in the plane as I found the same stale!
We all spoke Punjabi, Hindi and little English. The day spent in Mumbai was fun. Juhu beech was for the first time I saw a sea! Arabian sea big, massive eternal roar of waves kept me mesmerized. I could touch the sea water; taste the sea water…mmm very salty! I had good Pav Bhaji of Mumbai. That was yummy.  Then we went to airport early morning.  From then on I felt like, I have been blind folded and left all along. A few spoke Hindi. None spoke Punjabi. I could hardly understand languages like English, French, Malagasy etc.
The air hostesses were kind. I could two gift bags which were meant to children busy in the air. But I could hardly read anything therefore played with the model plane which kept me busy for some time.
On landing in Madagascar, I was taken to our home which was very nice. But there were hardly any Somesh, Atul, Pinky, Gurmeet to play with. There is a factory, a few Indian uncles fortunately speaking Hindi. Apart from that there are servants who speak a funny language called Malagasy.
I tried to make a marking on the road with bricks to play hip-hop. The servants were happy to join me to play the same. But stopped on seeing the bald boss of my father General Manager calling “Pathron (boss) is coming!”.
I was sleeping in the afternoon. From our window, I could hear the sound of children playing. They may be Malagasy children but their playing sound has no language. It is like the chirping of birds which has no language, universal language.

I have made up my mind, when my father comes I am going to tell him to drop me near the play ground every day morning. I am not go back to India too soon. But I will get local Somesh, Atul, Pinky, Gurmeet … They may be called David, Andray, Onja, Diana and Ianja…I do not mind. My circle will build up and I shall be happy, rather than staying all alone and brooding over my plight! 

Friday, April 21, 2017



Hi everyone ! My name is Uma S. You would like to know what “S” stands for. Well it stands for Sudhir, my husband’s name. I am the legally wedded, official wife of Sudhir for the past twenty years!

Well, we had a love marriage. In India there are two types of marriages. One is love marriages where couples meet and then date, fall in love and marry. Another one is marriage that happens when couples are brought together in holy matrimony in arranged marriages. Usually parents of the bride and groom are informed of a possible alliance and then they meet, decide and allow you to chat, talk, go out and nothing beyond that. Then if everything, including horoscope and dowry are OK the alliance is consummated.

In my case it was love at first sight as we were living in the same street. Sudhir used to be in IIT and I was in college local one. We met by chance in a common wedding. Then we developed a liking and then went around. Met in beach, parks, cinema halls and then Sudhir proposed to me when he was in final year and by then I was in a job with a bank.

It was I who footed all our outing bills when he was in the last year of his college. Despite this when our relationship came out in the open Sudhir’s mother was not amused and she was very upset as we could not satisfy her greed for dowry, dowry and more dowry.
Luckily I was supported by Sudhir who put his foot down to marry me and our marriage got solmoneised in a simple religious ceremony in the presence of all our family and friends. We had a great reception and the event was pretty lavish for a middle class family of our status to foot. Sudhir arranged to share 50% of the expenses for the reception.

We started our family life together in Sudhir’s ancestral home and we used to leave for work in the morning I went to Bank and Sudhir to his factory. This gave ample time for Sudhir’s mother to go all around the colony to bitch about me. Slowly news started reaching my ears and I had to go for a show down with Sudhir’s mother. Sudhir was disturbed by this. We took a decision to seek a transfer and move to another city where Sudhir’s factory had a branch. Thus we moved from Chennai to Delhi and then to Mumbai.

In the process I had to leave my job and  sit at home as everywhere the Bank could not accommodate my request for transfer.
But though our romantic life was good we were unable to get any child for more than seven years. This was another important point for my mother in law to bitch more about me.

I am always of the opinion that whether  one goes for love marriage or arranged marriage in the end after marriage LOVE has to remain and grown everyday in one’s married life. Unfortunately our love marriage was slowly turning into empty as love was slowly but surely evaporating all these seven years !!

Thursday, April 20, 2017



Hi everyone!  My name is Ramesh . B ! I know you all would be curious to know what “B” stands for. “B” has got different meaning at different locations and time! Well we South Indians especially , Tamils keep our father’s name in front of our name. In my case it should be actually “B” for “Balaji” my father’s name.

He is one person I love to hate so I say some times “B” stands for    “ Bast….D”. You must be put off by this comment. But as I told you earlier, he is one person I love to hate. He was in the armed forces. Would leave us for months together and move to all god forsaken places in the country. Would land up one fine morning and start dictating his command at our home.

For him everything and at every time was discipline, discipline and more discipline! My elder brother who is three years elder to me adhered to my father’s commands and became an officer in the army succeeding my father’s footsteps. In my case I was very averse to army life and never ever ventured into anything of that sort in my life.

I wanted to be a BAZZIGAR (Trickster) which suited my character and style of working. I was treated very badly by my father at home. While everyone sat and had their meals on the dining table I was always made to squat on the floor and eat as my father thought that my table manners were bad.

Every now and then comparisons would be made with my brother and me. I was always put down on account of this which made me even to hate my brother at one point. I then reconciled to the fact that if I am unable to beat my brother in a straight manner then the best alternative would be to become a crook and defeat him.
I could hardly choose the straight path of hard work studies and straight forwardness. For me the best path was to take shortcut and then exploit the situation to move forward. Someone there were always chances and I could therefore climb the rope with little difficulty. I did my graduation from a god forsaken college. By all unfair means I cloud scarp through my graduation. I had by then gained the blessing of a distance uncle and with his help and recommendation enrolled in an evening college and did a Diploma in Marketing Management.

The same uncle took pity on me and recommended me for a sales job. I started selling printed wrappers for all and sundry goods. Be it food, paste, masala, spices and condiments I had packing solution for the same.

Some months were good I excelled my target and some months were not so good. Still I could hold on to my job with little difficulty.  Whenever I used to meet big shots in Industry I would try to copy their ways and means of dealing with people like me. This gave me lot of inputs to dress, deal and cover up people.

I took fancy for a girl in my own area. I chose someone who was working. With my ways of impressing people it was easy for me to hook her too ! Against my parents especially my father’s wish I got married to her and I am now looking for next big break in my career !!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017



Hi everyone! My name is Sudhir ! Well you may be curious to know my surname. It is Subramanian. “ Sudhir and Subramanian what a combination” You may wonder! My father who was working in North India, out of admiration for his then Boss Sudhir Datta gave me this name Sudhir ! As already known Subramanian is my father’s name. So I became SS…Sudhir Subramanian.

Well I am from IIT(M) M stands for Madras.. One of the most  prestigious colleges of India. Now I am in my late forties, that was as of at the beginning of this story.

I have spent most of my time in Food Industry, though I am supposed to be a Mechanical Engineer. At the least I am a bit happy, I could apply some of my knowledge of Engineering in day to day work, unlike my class mates who went to Management and started selling Shampoos or writing programs on software companies.
Though I did my studies from IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) I was not a very ambitious person to move to the USA or to get into IIM (Indian Institute of Management) as the main motivator for me is morning coffee and evening money from Stock Market, which my wife used to manage very meticulously.

I have no inhibition in admitting that I am an egotist and feel always proud talking about myself, myself, myself as beyond that I did little to learn or master. To talk, rather brag more about myself I got to have a crowd who would listen day in and day out my own stories and keep playing second fiddle for my bragging.

For the same, wherever I went, I cultivated a lot of second line people or sidekicks who would not survive without my support. This cloning helped me all along to survive with little difficulty. In our industry with so much of recession and job scarcity there are always people available to sing your tune and try to live a life of survival!
God has blessed me with a good face, physique, friendly disposition. These qualities always helped me to get my way and my own way wherever I went. Thus life has been all along a great interesting journey. But you know who wants a simple straight line we want “curves” I mean literally and figuratively!

The opportunity came to me and I thought I was making the best use of that. But only later I realized that “How foolish I was to rock the boat of family life. How much misery I had caused to all and sundry who had put their faith in me” !

It is always said that “ Extra Marital” affair is like bribe. Once someone gets into the same there is no limit to it. I realized  it a bit too late and regret it. I was involved in both of them.

I am sure the same would make an interesting reading and bring corporate life in a different perspective to all of you !

                                                                 to be concluded........

Monday, April 17, 2017

OBSESSION........... 1

Hi everyone. My name is Krithika. You can call me “Krithi” in short. I got this name as I am born under the birth star of KRITHIKAI.  I am born in April, obviously being a lady I do not want to share the birth year…Aha..Aha. Therefore, I am born in the Sun Sign of Taurus. Both in my vernacular horoscope as well as English horoscope I share the same sign, something very unique.  
I hail from a district in Tamil Nadu, South India on the banks of river Cauvery, which is known to have produced some of the brilliant brains who have become famous statesmen, scientists and what not. Apart from that my town is famous for many great temples built by various dynasties.
Oh why should I live in past glory? Let me come to the present. I did my college education in my town. Fairly a good student but I am nowhere near my eldest sisters who were college toppers and did so well for themselves in academics they went on to do Post Graduation in Chemistry our family’s specialization. I have two elder sisters and a younger brother.
I went to a far away state in Western India Gujarat and did my post graduation in Food & Nutrition. In truth I neither know food nor Nutrition fully well. It is just to get a passport to get into an industry which was flourishing then. As compared to Chemistry it was easy fooling around in Food & Nutrition department which I could manage easily. People were claiming that India would become the “Kitchen for Globe” to supply food to the World!
When I visualize the scene I feel like laughing out loud, Indian Curry making all people in Europe, Australia and America to shed tears on account of the spicy nature !
You know in India there is a lot of preference for male child. Parents think that the family lineage is incomplete without a male heir as if they all have a big dynasty to take care and expand.
My parents were no exception. My father who was in Government service tried desperately to have a boy after my birth. He succeeded in his late forties and we  got our younger brother to complete the family tree. I am to a larger extent a Tom Boy than a girl. As my mother during my pregnancy was day dreaming for a boy I probably inherited mainly male characteristics than female grace.

I cut my hair short in a boyish crop style which is unheard of in our small town. I have rarely sported typical South Indian red dot, Bindi on the forehead, though I am very religious by nature. I ride a two wheeler very fast and even traffic cops salute me and give way!

                                                                  To be continued.........

Sunday, April 16, 2017


When an employee takes up a new job or moves from one location to the other, he moves from an old established known location to another which may be alien to him. He not only moves alone he moves with his family leaving an established set up which disturbs him but also his family. After all an organization gets the best opportunity to make the first, best and lasting impression about the organization in the employee and his family’s minds !!

I have changed more than ten jobs in a span of thirty five years of employment. I have moved across the length and breadth of India, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Even within these ten jobs many a time, I was moved from one location to the other. Thus my daughter used to say that she was the most fortunate and unfortunate person who moved ten schools in twelve years of her schooling within India as well as overseas.

But it is interesting how you get to interact on the very first day in work in a new environment. How you are welcomed and orientated in work as well as in family.

As long as one is a bachelor, hopping job from one place to another is very easy. It becomes pretty simple like packing a back pack and moving on a wild life safari.

Once married and have a family to look after, it becomes pretty challenging to move from one location to another. You have issues like kid’s schooling, getting a house of your choice on rent or lease, shifting furniture & fittings to set up a home and start your life back on the rails for a trouble free run!
I read a book by Bill Gates wherein he mentions that in Microsoft the moment an employee joins his desk, work station, bank account, travel credit card, travel desk details etc. all get arranged on the same day.

Things are not so good in India. We get a transfer letter, marching orders and sometime to take up the new role or old role in new location immediately leaving little time for the employee to organize his / her family issues which generally take a back seat. Some organizations, arrange for a guest house or hotel accommodation for a few days may be up to a few weeks then you are asked to fend for yourself!

One organization, where I had worked for had a Sales Manager. He had a unique way of motivating his front line sales staff. He used to transfer them every year from one location to the other all within a radius of 10 to 15 KM. The staff that way used to get relocation allowance which used to be more than a month’s salary. This was paid without the employee moving from the head quarters where he was working earlier.

When I moved to Malawi, taking up an assignment, I was received by the incumbent manager in the air port. I was driven to the office wherein the MD of the company welcomed me in his office with a new diary marking on the date sheet my arrival time etc. When I reached my bungalow, we were surprised to find a fully furnished house with nearly a month’s provision nicely stacked in the store room including Indian Snacks and savories. Later for a week food for lunch used to come from one household or the other piping hot and for dinner we were picked from home and dropped back after good treat!

I was chosen for a job in Thailand. I had a unique boss who loved and spoiled me with weekly dose of Indian movie CDs etc. We were picked up from Bangalore to travel along with him and thus our excess luggage was taken care by his special privilege card etc.

On landing in Bangkok around early morning 3 AM I was asked whether I would join on the same day for work as he was expecting his boss that day. I politely told him that we need to catch up some sleep. He had a problem with his cell phone and therefore borrowed mine and went for work.

We went to our condominium which was fully furnished with all gadgets etc. We had a look at all of them and went to sleep. When we got up we were hungry like mad, but had nothing to eat within the condominium. We were starving to death.
By then my boss returned for his lunch on hearing his room getting opened we went and asked him whether there was any food with him. We borrowed rice etc. from him and made our first meal in Thailand only to go to shopping same evening to fill our provisions!

When I joined a job in Hyderabad I was received by my employer around midnight with piping hot Idlies and Chutney in the airport and then dropped in the hotel where we stayed for a week. He had by then seen a big house for us !

Moving to Madagascar was easy, as we had a group of Indian friends who had made their best arrangements for the home, accommodation, first meals etc. But the rickety Renault Yellow Taxis which were used to pick up and make us to travel a distance of seven Kilometers was the icing on the cake as the same was no longer even used to pick up garbage in many third world countries!!  

Friday, April 14, 2017


We all have an eternal girl friend! Whether you are a man or a woman you have the same girl friend! We can never live without meeting her even for a day! Most of us, why most almost all of us meet her in the night and this Girlfriend satisfy each one of us. It is like Sri Krishna in the Rasa Leela dancing with  Gopis. Each and every Gopi was feeling that Sri Krishna was Dancing with her exclusively!
I am a very unique in many ways with respect to my appointment with this Girl Friend. I have a very rigid and set timing with her. She too does not disappoint me. She would visit me in time around 9 PM and would take leave by 5 AM as a matter of routine!
With the advancement of age, related issues like Diabetes etc. now a days, she has started playing “hide and seek “with me by leaving me in between in mid night or early part of the mornings. But she is still very loyal to me !
I have many interesting encounters with this Girl Friend of mine! Once it was decided that my mother should undergo a minor emergency operation in Chennai. As an early riser, I was assigned the task of taking care of her in the early morning hours on the day of the operation.
I reached the Nursing Home in time around 4 AM. My mother was taken to the operation theatre by the medics immediately after initial preparation. I had nothing to do, so I chose to occupy the patient’s bed to catch up with my girl friend. When the operation was over the doctors were in a dilemma whether they had operated the wrong person. I was woken up and asked what I was doing there. On narrating my story they were satisfied and heaved a sigh of relief!
As a small boy, student as well as in initial stages of my job I just needed anything rocking or moving be it a bus, train or car I would hug my girl friend tightly and move to another world. Later on getting married and in family days as soon as I finish lunch that too lunch with  special invitees and delicious preparations the moment I was my hands my girl friend would waiting to embrace me tightly !
There were some interesting anecdotes. When we were in college and hostel days we had a Nepali watch man by name Tula  Bhadhur.  He was good in warding off this girl friend. At the appointed time he would bang your door and till the time you open and reassure that you were up with your books or notes he would never leave the corridor be it summer or winter!

This Girl Friend sometime would come uninvited in class rooms, corporate meetings, and concert halls or even during some boring conversation. But one has to manage her somehow by drowning coffee / tea or pure ice cold water.

But with this girl friend even my wife is not jealous because she too enjoys the company of this girl friend  whose name is “ NITHRA DEVI” ( Goddess of sleep ) !!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

RINN & ME......15

Surprise e-Mail:-
Life is a constant conflict between AFFECTION & EGO
Affection always wants to say SORRY.
While Ego wants to hear SORRY! “
Time and tide wait for none. They keep moving on their own pace without waiting for anyone. Things were looking bright and sunny. I was as usual busy with my work and regular routine all the time.
One fine morning I was checking my mail box in lap top. I was planning to wind up my establishment in Madagascar and move back to India to be with my ailing old mother and family.
I was clearing and cleaning my home, office etc. slowly but steadily one by one. While arranging the folders in my e-mail in box I found my junk box was over flowing with many mails. I was under a great impulse to clear the whole junk box by pressing “empty box”. But better sense prevailed and wanted to have a careful look not to miss any important mail.
One mail which had landed a week back caught my immediate attention. It was from RINN. I moved the mail to in box and opened the same.
That was the mail I have been looking for all these days. It was from RINN for sure as it had local Madagascar time and details.
To: Chari @
Date:-   /  / 2017
Subject:- My Marriage
Dear Mr. Chari
Greetings to you ! I am sure you must be surprised to receive a mail from me. I wish I could have spoken to you before in person. But you know how bad things were between us. I was not sure of your reaction if I approached you in person. Therefore this mail.
Let by gone be by gone. I am glad to let you know that my marriage with Mr. Jude is going to be Solemnized in St. Peters Church, Amboropotsy, on 30th xxxx’2017.
I am very eager that you should walk with me as I enter the church for the function and give me away in the Church function. You are aware that my father is no longer there in our family circuit, therefore I want you to play the role my Papa in the function. I bank on you for this help. I wish Madam too to attend the function along with you.
Your valuable presence will help me to dream of a married life like yours and madam long lasting, fruitful and filled with joy all through.
Please forgive for all my past misdemeanors as I was pushed to a corner. I had no way to get out and save my job at that point of time.
Earnestly seek your clemency by way of a reply mail soon from your end.
Sincerely Yours


I am too glad that things have come to a good end and very happy for RINN as she will be having a married life to produce a dozen kids as she always dreamed off !                                  
                                                                              Concluded !

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

RINN & ME ....14

Break Up on "HOLI" Day :-

The iron has to be struck when it is hot. Similarly issues on discipline have to be addressed when things are hot. That weekend, I took time in the afternoon to draft and make a two page report of indiscipline on shop floor against RINN. It was a bit painful and disturbing too. But she was give adequate time, opportunities and counseling by me. She was also shown the way forward for her career progress. But if she did not want that but wanted to kick the ladder I had no choice other than putting things on paper and complain.

The letter was addressed to HR Manager and was sent through the Director with specific allegation of misconduct on shop floor by refusing to move to the location assigned, singing and merry making while returning from work with a intention of insulting seniors, explicit behavior by way of blowing spit bubble when seniors were discussing issues with her.

The letter was read by the Director who was convinced and stated that her time was up. With his remark the letter was handed over to HR head. The HR head read the letter and half the thing he did not understand. He wanted to make a charge sheet on RINN. In the afternoon around three he had called RINN to serve the Charge sheet.

Out of curiosity, I was there with the HR head that afternoon. He called RINN and handed over the Charge sheet and he also gave her my letter which she read carefully. She was good enough in English to understand the letter and refused to take the charge sheet and letter. She walked out in a huff. She straight away went to the Director’s office. The Director refused to entertain her and said that he was busy and asked her to return the next day.

RINN was devastated. She came all the way crying from Director’s office. She fell on the canteen bench crying. Her efforts were to create a scene which she tried very well. It was a delightful one for many and at the same time people from Delegates (Union) wanted to gain sympathy so they were seen pacifying her.

On my part, when I met the Director next day I told him to be strict with her and show her the way out. RINN had come for a meeting with HR and the Director the nest day around 11 AM. HR Manager and she were closeted in HR Manager’s room for more than two hours and she left for that day. This meeting proved very crucial for RINN.

Next day, when RINN was in she was all smiles and found to be giggling with others in the reception though she was not allowed in to the factory. The very next day she was allowed to work in the factory by HR Manager. As I had given instruction that she would return to work after meeting me and with my explicit permission at security, she was stopped. And she was waiting for my arrival. I told her she must meet me along with HR Manager in my office.

 When the HR Manager arrived in my office with RINN the drama turned a full turtle.  I learnt that the issue was portrayed by HR Manager and RINN as if the whole episode was on a one to one basis me vs. RINN and personal.

I told them politely that I have no role for RINN in my team and she if wanted to work could go to hygiene department and closed the meeting. HR Manager was in dilemma. He was trying to convince me . But I had put my foot down once and for all.

There was no other go other than the Director to get involved to break the impasse. He arrived a bit late and then called me aside. He stated that there was a charge of molestation on me by RINN. I asked him whether he understood the words he had spoken just then. He was confused.

On further discussions, I learnt that RINN had tried to portray the case as that of a matter of harassment at workplace. He wanted to tell me that the whole matter had taken a sexual overtone and told me not to get involved in this. In his own wisdom he moved RINN away from regular work area wherein I had little interaction with her.

As I had little interest in RINN or for that matter any local’s development, I wanted to wash my hands off the whole matter. For me my personal reputation and peace of mind are of paramount importance.

Thus two matured people, who are teetotalers, who did not even indulge in tea, coffee, etc. who have had good reputation in work, due to lack of understanding parted ways.But to say the least I was sad for a few days on account of the good times & conversations had with RINN. But then life had to get going…both personal and professional.
                                                               To be concluded.

RINN & ME..........................13

Neglect :-

The seasonal pressures were over. We were working in a relaxed manner. But this relaxation brought chaos in the life of RINN as her mother who was a new recruit was eased out of employment on account of low demand. RINN who was in cloud 9, with her mother’s earning had to come down to earth. Somewhere or the other her mind was poisoned and she was thinking that I was responsible for all her misfortune and continued to show her neglect.

I called her to my office one day and told her that she was behaving unreasonably and told her that her problems were her own making and I had no role to play. On the contrary I told her that I had recommended her promotion and was waiting for a good outcome. I did even show my letter to Director. I did not know how much good I was in convincing her, but I left things then and there without pushing things further.

Meanwhile there was a break of three days leave on account of some holidays. I was asked by RINN what were my holidays plan. I told her that I would stay put at home and relax. On asking her she told that she would be visiting her mother-in-law. I asked her how and when did she get a mother in law as she was not yet married. She told me that she was engaged to one “Jude” and she would be visiting his mother. I knew that she was kidding. But she told that she would visit her mother ion law ?

RINN and me were not able to get along well on the shop floor even for minor things like arranging the layout of work area etc. as she was now trying to show her Union Leader style behavior by instigating the new supervisors against me by telling false stories etc. As the newly recruited supervisors were not very happy with RINN they used to pour their heart out and told that RINN had called me” this” and “that” in Malagasy language. As some one more matured I told them not to carry and tell me stories as I was not interested in gossip.

RINN was fond of songs. But to sing loudly and march out of the factory was not discipline. But she did that intentionally to insult people in power. HR person despite reports had no guts to confront her.

Just before Women’s day when I was on the shop floor behind RINN’s back me and Director were talking. I brought the topic of Supervisor’s as one of the new recruit had left unable to cope up with the work pressure. I asked the Director to promote RINN raising the mail I had sent to him on that. I got a polite but firm “NO” for an answer from him.

But things took a curious turn around International Women’s Day which was a holiday. After the Women’s day we had a cyclone hitting Madagascar by name “Enawo”. The whole area of the factory and surrounding were water logged, was wet and soggy due to heavy torrential rains. As the factory was in an elevated place there was no damage to properties. RINN was sick just before Women’s day. Luck for her she had two days of leave to recoup.

When the factory reopened after the cyclone, on that day I had the tough task of managing operation with limited arrival of workmen. RINN was around with her side kick. I was expecting voluntary help from her to arrange things but I got a haughty “no” for an answer.

But work was work so she had to be moved to a place where she was good at work. The HR Manager coincidentally walked into the floor and he was summoned to tell RINN to move to her place of work. The meek and spine less man was insulted by RINN in Malagasy language and she blew out a bubble with saliva right on his face.   

We were a group of Karanas on  the scene then and we confronted the HR Manager stating that the same behavior was as good as spitting on his face. The spineless and gutless creature told that he did not see that. On being shown the place where the bubble had landed with stain he was very disturbed as we had put our foot down that the matter would be taken up at higher level.

He had no choice other than confronting RINN and asking her to talk to us to resolve the matter. RINN was made up on different material and she by now had become embolden with extra confidence. She politely said “NO” such instance had taken place.

As a stickler to discipline I was a bit shocked by RINN’s behavior and I knew me going and confronting her would be meaningless. I was left with a few sleepless nights contemplating my next move !!

                                                         ………….. to be continued.  

RINN & ME........12


By now, I was convinced that the time for moving up RINN had come. I was also sure that, if and only if, moved up in the hierarchy she would do well and contribute her mite for the company. This would also mean reward for a hard working and dedicated loyalist. Otherwise she would remain  a sucker who was interested in money like a mercenary and least interested in contributing to the organization’s growth and personal development.

We were setting up our R&D center and laboratory. We were also in dire need of people in our Packing Section to work as supervisors as there was no one responsible from local side.

In all fairness, I had made a draft of recommendation to the Director mentally at the least ten times, most of the time making the draft in the dawn when in my mind, when my energy level was at activity was at its peak. The letter was typed out in the lap top and then to get the right name of RINN she was asked to write her name in a piece of paper in full. RINN was curious and at the same time told me that she trusted me fully. I also told her that I would not betray her trust and also asked her to say a prayer in her home’s altar every day.

The mail was sent to Director during the first week of the New Year stating that RINN be made a Supervisor in the section of Packing where she was employed from the beginning.

After that I forgot the matter then and there. I was convinced that I should not tell the proposal to RINN and therefore did not even breathe about the same to anyone. But our Director known for his own unilateral way of working was not even willing to talk to me about the same despite talking so many other things under the Sun every day.

I was a bit curious to read his mind, so I asked him to recruit a set of three or two Packing Supervisors. Out of the blue one fine morning two girls were dropped in to the department and introduced as Packing Supervisors of our factory by the Human Resources Manager ( HR).

This created a big ruckus in the department as people were used to be pushed and prodded by Karanas and not by locals. Locals were willing to be ruled by outsiders but did not want to be pushed around by fellow Malagasy people. There were murmurs initially, which later became cat calls. Packers started finding fault with the supervisor’s approach, attitude, disposition and what not. Everything about the lady Supervisors was not acceptable to the local team.

By then RINN started telling me that we did not do the right thing by recruiting local supervisors and started finding fault with me for not training them etc. I told her she need to give time for people to settle down and they were recruited keeping in mind the local girls interest in mind.

This put her off and she once aging gone back to her old self of not acknowledging greetings and not making even eye contact with me. As someone used to that type of her behavior I did not take it seriously. But on the day when there was a meeting called by HR Manager to solve the supervisor’s issue the leader of the pack against Supervisors turned out to be RINN. She was in her best in Malagasy language arguing in the open meeting and got too many claps from the local workmen.

RINN used to wear a jeans with lot of slits and cutting on the thigh portion. I used to say that that gives an impression RINN has become very poor. Her Comment used to be that that was the fashion and trend . On the day of the show down with Supervisors she was wearing the same jeans and speaking vociferously.  I could see the trend of a Union Leader in her behavior.

                                                                   To be concluded.......

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

RINN & ME ......... 11

New Year :-

It was the time of the year when everyone looks forward to be enjoying one’s holidays making the most out of the vacations, X-mas, New Year and what not ! Initially I had planned to be away in India for the vacation. But on second thought changed my mind and stayed put in the factory on account of pressing engagements.

Around X-mas we had become good friends again. RINN used to say that I am a Karana (Indian) of a different sort and she told that she like talking to me as she could learn new things about company, products, management etc. She also told that she would like me to stay in Madagascar for many more “agreement” meaning contract so as to keep our contact alive! I was keen on giving her some X-mas gift may be a bar of chocolate. In fact I did even buy a chocolate bar and kept it in my office.

But I could not hand over the same around X-mas as the factory closed abruptly and I could not even meet RINN and say merry x-mas as she had collected her salary and gone.

The Hygiene Superintendent had some work during the break. I even suggested RINN’s name for doing the work on vacation as RINN was always hard pressed for money. But I learnt that RINN declined the offer as she had planned to go out of town with mother.

Factory reopened after New Year. RINN was wearing a faded jean and uniform. Her lips were painted with full lip stick. She was found to be wearing a party sandal. As her usual enthusiasm was missing and she was standing secluded in a corner I asked her whether all was well with her ?
She said all was well and told me that she picked the sandal cheap from road side for nearly a dollar. She said that the X-Mas and New Year were celebrated in low key as she was missing her dad who did not turn up after leaving the family. She also stated that there was lot of prayer and carol in the church. On being asked about my holidays I stated that I was busy working in the factory.

When she saw the line that was installed by me she was stunned.. On being asked whether she would like to work in the new line she stated that it was up to me to recommend her. This triggered in me a new plan.
As usual we used to chat during working time as she was now more into packet sealing which was a very lazy job for her talent. As she had more time we could talk for long time. One day the conversation turned around size of the family. I told her that the lesser the number of people in a family more disposable income and affluence in the family. She pointed out at her friend who had more than ten siblings. I said that she must be struggling on account of this. RINN was very clear in her thought and told me that she would certainly have more than ten children and not like me stop with a single baby !

RINN was also curious to know more about Hindu religion, my religious mark on my forehead and Diwali etc. She was also keen that Indians had good family system and took care of their families- children, elders well. On being asked how she knew she told me that she used to watch Indian films with Malagasy sub titles.  

RINN used to be surprised that I did not know a word of French which in her opinion was an Universal language. On being told that we were ruled by British and hence Indian speak English she would not believe that !
Thus first few months of the year was good with RINN’s company on the shop floor. One evening I introduced RINN to my wife in the factory as our Madagascar daughter! RINN was happy to meet my wife and spoke nicely in English. My wife too was surprised with her English and told her to visit our home whenever she found time. 

She also asked her for how many years RINN studied in university to speak such good English?

Later my wife told me jokingly that if I start adopting daughters like this in Madagascar and Thailand our own daughter who is a lawyer would sue me to settle properties in her name soon!!

                                                ………… to be concluded…..

Monday, April 10, 2017

RINN & ME..........10

Enter Mummy :-
RINN now and then started talking more about her mother. I learn that the lady was around thirty eight years old. She was working in some garment factory earlier. Now she was jobless and was desperate for work as she was ditched by her husband.
I was told by RINN that she was trying to supplement family income by working in a restaurant where she was expected to wash utensils from early morning till late evening for a pittance. She was paid a paltry sum of 200 Ariary per day which equals to 60 US Cents per day. She was not allowed any leave or weekly holidays. On days when she was away from work there was no salary.
I was also told that due to repeated use of very hard alkali to clean the vessels her hands have developed blisters which used to pain her very much. The plight of poor and down trodden all over the world to me seemed same!
I told RINN to try for some job for her mother in our own company.  My idea was to help RINN some way so she would have assured income. She was very curious and asked me whether that was possible on account of her mother’s advanced age. She was not aware that the director’s preferred ladies passed their child bearing age as they need not think about long maternity leave etc. I told RINN that the employment was possible in sections like hygiene where no high skill was needed.
RINN was also advised by me to talk to the Hygiene section in charge as he was always in need of people due to heavy turn- over of people in her department.
I had the position of janitor / cook for RINN’s mother in the dormitory area as the girl there was on the way to maternity leave. But RINN had probably as per rumor paid money to HR head and arranged for her mother’s position in the packing section itself.
RINN’s mother was nowhere near RINN either in terms of appearance, sophistication, dress sense or grace.  She had a weather beaten face with wrinkles all over. As told earlier her hands were rough on account of heavy work all along.
With the job of her mother RINN was already in cloud 9 and so she was beyond her own imagination and dreams. With the net result she started neglecting everyone around her. It had gone to the extent that she started acknowledging greetings to her even.
It is a very common phenomenon in Malagasy culture to greet and acknowledge each other in the morning as well as when going home. Thus Salama ( good Morning etc.)  and Veluma ( good bye) are very common form of greetings which people look forward from every single person encountered in the morning and evening. RINN had stopped even acknowledging my own greetings !

I was very much put off by that. But as an elder I called her to my chamber and told her that she must understand and respect people who are good to her. She understood my point and told that she had no bad feelings !
                                                    be concluded..........

Sunday, April 9, 2017

RINN & ME .................... 9


RINN has very few friends. It was always found that on account of her high hand attitude she not only antagonized the Karana (Indian ) group but also locals. She used to feel that she was teased and taunted for her alleged affair with Sultan as well as because of greed to satisfy her needs, staying long hours to keep work going so that she could earn more money. This put off the locals who wanted to work for limited hours and contented with limited earning !

She also she used to complain to me to change her neighbors, fellow workers so that she would face less trouble from her colleagues. It was also found that she used to make a few seasonal friends both boys as well as  girls and try to stick to them very closely as if they were made for each other for a few days!

But those friendship and pretension to put up a very happy demeanor   would not last long as they would also fade way like dew evaporating on the arrival of sun! But people who were close to RINN were expected to be strict loyalist to her by way of walking with her all through the working hours to toilet and lunch breaks together. Even leaving work together in the evenings! But as confided in person she was a very sad person in her heart !

One day morning RINN landed up for work pretty late. She would normally expect no one to question her so that she could go and start work on her own without any eye brows raised. But that day it was different, I was in factory early as there was some important work. I asked RINN to stay back and move to a different location before starting work as there was need for someone experienced to iron out some problems.

RINN was upset and wanted to speak to me. Then on discussions I learn that she arrived late as she had gone for her grandfather’s funeral. Then she stated that she treated me like a father figure as there was some serious setback back home.

Her eyes welled with tears and she stated that her father had deserted the family. He had  moved out with some other woman much younger to her mother. She also stated that her mother was devastated on account of this. She also confided that her whole family now banked on her earnings for survival. She also told me that her mother on account of this was falling sick repeatedly.

It is a very common thing in Madagascar! Despite most of them following Christianity in which religion Divorce is not allowed, informal  separation and deserting of families are found to be very common. But this is not done with any legal sanction. Therefore no one gets any compensation or life support. Each partner moves on to fend for themselves and children suffer in broken homes.

I was feeling very sad for RINN and her family and her tear filled eyes moved me very much !!
                                                         ……………..  To be concluded…