Wednesday, April 12, 2017

RINN & ME ....14

Break Up on "HOLI" Day :-

The iron has to be struck when it is hot. Similarly issues on discipline have to be addressed when things are hot. That weekend, I took time in the afternoon to draft and make a two page report of indiscipline on shop floor against RINN. It was a bit painful and disturbing too. But she was give adequate time, opportunities and counseling by me. She was also shown the way forward for her career progress. But if she did not want that but wanted to kick the ladder I had no choice other than putting things on paper and complain.

The letter was addressed to HR Manager and was sent through the Director with specific allegation of misconduct on shop floor by refusing to move to the location assigned, singing and merry making while returning from work with a intention of insulting seniors, explicit behavior by way of blowing spit bubble when seniors were discussing issues with her.

The letter was read by the Director who was convinced and stated that her time was up. With his remark the letter was handed over to HR head. The HR head read the letter and half the thing he did not understand. He wanted to make a charge sheet on RINN. In the afternoon around three he had called RINN to serve the Charge sheet.

Out of curiosity, I was there with the HR head that afternoon. He called RINN and handed over the Charge sheet and he also gave her my letter which she read carefully. She was good enough in English to understand the letter and refused to take the charge sheet and letter. She walked out in a huff. She straight away went to the Director’s office. The Director refused to entertain her and said that he was busy and asked her to return the next day.

RINN was devastated. She came all the way crying from Director’s office. She fell on the canteen bench crying. Her efforts were to create a scene which she tried very well. It was a delightful one for many and at the same time people from Delegates (Union) wanted to gain sympathy so they were seen pacifying her.

On my part, when I met the Director next day I told him to be strict with her and show her the way out. RINN had come for a meeting with HR and the Director the nest day around 11 AM. HR Manager and she were closeted in HR Manager’s room for more than two hours and she left for that day. This meeting proved very crucial for RINN.

Next day, when RINN was in she was all smiles and found to be giggling with others in the reception though she was not allowed in to the factory. The very next day she was allowed to work in the factory by HR Manager. As I had given instruction that she would return to work after meeting me and with my explicit permission at security, she was stopped. And she was waiting for my arrival. I told her she must meet me along with HR Manager in my office.

 When the HR Manager arrived in my office with RINN the drama turned a full turtle.  I learnt that the issue was portrayed by HR Manager and RINN as if the whole episode was on a one to one basis me vs. RINN and personal.

I told them politely that I have no role for RINN in my team and she if wanted to work could go to hygiene department and closed the meeting. HR Manager was in dilemma. He was trying to convince me . But I had put my foot down once and for all.

There was no other go other than the Director to get involved to break the impasse. He arrived a bit late and then called me aside. He stated that there was a charge of molestation on me by RINN. I asked him whether he understood the words he had spoken just then. He was confused.

On further discussions, I learnt that RINN had tried to portray the case as that of a matter of harassment at workplace. He wanted to tell me that the whole matter had taken a sexual overtone and told me not to get involved in this. In his own wisdom he moved RINN away from regular work area wherein I had little interaction with her.

As I had little interest in RINN or for that matter any local’s development, I wanted to wash my hands off the whole matter. For me my personal reputation and peace of mind are of paramount importance.

Thus two matured people, who are teetotalers, who did not even indulge in tea, coffee, etc. who have had good reputation in work, due to lack of understanding parted ways.But to say the least I was sad for a few days on account of the good times & conversations had with RINN. But then life had to get going…both personal and professional.
                                                               To be concluded.

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