Friday, April 14, 2017


We all have an eternal girl friend! Whether you are a man or a woman you have the same girl friend! We can never live without meeting her even for a day! Most of us, why most almost all of us meet her in the night and this Girlfriend satisfy each one of us. It is like Sri Krishna in the Rasa Leela dancing with  Gopis. Each and every Gopi was feeling that Sri Krishna was Dancing with her exclusively!
I am a very unique in many ways with respect to my appointment with this Girl Friend. I have a very rigid and set timing with her. She too does not disappoint me. She would visit me in time around 9 PM and would take leave by 5 AM as a matter of routine!
With the advancement of age, related issues like Diabetes etc. now a days, she has started playing “hide and seek “with me by leaving me in between in mid night or early part of the mornings. But she is still very loyal to me !
I have many interesting encounters with this Girl Friend of mine! Once it was decided that my mother should undergo a minor emergency operation in Chennai. As an early riser, I was assigned the task of taking care of her in the early morning hours on the day of the operation.
I reached the Nursing Home in time around 4 AM. My mother was taken to the operation theatre by the medics immediately after initial preparation. I had nothing to do, so I chose to occupy the patient’s bed to catch up with my girl friend. When the operation was over the doctors were in a dilemma whether they had operated the wrong person. I was woken up and asked what I was doing there. On narrating my story they were satisfied and heaved a sigh of relief!
As a small boy, student as well as in initial stages of my job I just needed anything rocking or moving be it a bus, train or car I would hug my girl friend tightly and move to another world. Later on getting married and in family days as soon as I finish lunch that too lunch with  special invitees and delicious preparations the moment I was my hands my girl friend would waiting to embrace me tightly !
There were some interesting anecdotes. When we were in college and hostel days we had a Nepali watch man by name Tula  Bhadhur.  He was good in warding off this girl friend. At the appointed time he would bang your door and till the time you open and reassure that you were up with your books or notes he would never leave the corridor be it summer or winter!

This Girl Friend sometime would come uninvited in class rooms, corporate meetings, and concert halls or even during some boring conversation. But one has to manage her somehow by drowning coffee / tea or pure ice cold water.

But with this girl friend even my wife is not jealous because she too enjoys the company of this girl friend  whose name is “ NITHRA DEVI” ( Goddess of sleep ) !!

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