Saturday, April 8, 2017

RINN & ME.......... 7

I am Sad :-
I was very conscious that I must put RINN and the other punished girl comfortable by keeping the communication alive. I did not want it to appear as an exercise in revenge. Therefore, I went out of the way to make them comfortable. Because of her agility with work RINN was managing well. Initially she was bundled along with other girls to be a mass packer. Later she was moved to run a similar packing machine. RINN is a smart cookie and she could adapt herself to any new location She was trying to do well and keep her calm and cool nature. But she could hardly escape the taunts and teasing of fellow packers about her alleged affair.  
RINN’s earning had dropped by 24 % as she was no longer eligible to get so much over time which she was getting right royally as if it was her entitlement. She was also very disturbed that she was being pushed from one place to other every day based on the need of the day.
She used to tell me that she was also asked by her fellow packers when and where she would get a permanent position so that she could walk straight in to that work station without waiting daily instructions from supervisors. I was trying to be sympathetic and always lent her my listening eras. I had also told her that as someone serving probation after a serious warning she should have patience and wait for the opportune moment to approach management for what she wanted.
But RINN was in a hurry and therefore she approached the HR Head who was always available to lure her with the tempting carrot. He found RIIN’s predicament a most opportune moment and made her a Quality Checker which would give RINN daily 12 hours of regular work and thus make good her loss of Over Time.
I had returned from my trip to India after Diwali holidays. On the very day I found RINN working as Quality Checker for the first day. I was feeling good for her. But there was a huge hue and cry from fellow Indians as they found someone serving probation due to disciplinary action becoming a Quality Checker.
As someone who was in a hurry RINN chose to take HR help ignoring the sentiments of Indian Managers. Indians are called Karanas  in Malagasy language a term which I think is very derogatory  in nature as the tone of pronunciation would indicate. I also came to know then that Malagasy people even after receiving their salary from any Indian used to be afraid that the money might come with some black magic. Therefore they take the money to a secluded place usually a toilet in factory situation. Place it on the floor and stamp it with feet and then take the same into their possession.
Ultimately RINN was moved backwards and placed back as a packer in a machine. Her Quality checker position was given to someone else who is also an old timer but docile and amenable to one and all.
RINN met me in the shop floor and told  me that she was told by HR head that the director revoked HR head’s decision because of the objection raised by me and other Karanas. She told me that she was very sad of her plight and was about to cry. I told her that it was her own making to take the help of HR head who was not liked by anyone !
                                                     ----------------------- To be concluded 

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