Sunday, April 9, 2017

RINN & ME .................... 9


RINN has very few friends. It was always found that on account of her high hand attitude she not only antagonized the Karana (Indian ) group but also locals. She used to feel that she was teased and taunted for her alleged affair with Sultan as well as because of greed to satisfy her needs, staying long hours to keep work going so that she could earn more money. This put off the locals who wanted to work for limited hours and contented with limited earning !

She also she used to complain to me to change her neighbors, fellow workers so that she would face less trouble from her colleagues. It was also found that she used to make a few seasonal friends both boys as well as  girls and try to stick to them very closely as if they were made for each other for a few days!

But those friendship and pretension to put up a very happy demeanor   would not last long as they would also fade way like dew evaporating on the arrival of sun! But people who were close to RINN were expected to be strict loyalist to her by way of walking with her all through the working hours to toilet and lunch breaks together. Even leaving work together in the evenings! But as confided in person she was a very sad person in her heart !

One day morning RINN landed up for work pretty late. She would normally expect no one to question her so that she could go and start work on her own without any eye brows raised. But that day it was different, I was in factory early as there was some important work. I asked RINN to stay back and move to a different location before starting work as there was need for someone experienced to iron out some problems.

RINN was upset and wanted to speak to me. Then on discussions I learn that she arrived late as she had gone for her grandfather’s funeral. Then she stated that she treated me like a father figure as there was some serious setback back home.

Her eyes welled with tears and she stated that her father had deserted the family. He had  moved out with some other woman much younger to her mother. She also stated that her mother was devastated on account of this. She also confided that her whole family now banked on her earnings for survival. She also told me that her mother on account of this was falling sick repeatedly.

It is a very common thing in Madagascar! Despite most of them following Christianity in which religion Divorce is not allowed, informal  separation and deserting of families are found to be very common. But this is not done with any legal sanction. Therefore no one gets any compensation or life support. Each partner moves on to fend for themselves and children suffer in broken homes.

I was feeling very sad for RINN and her family and her tear filled eyes moved me very much !!
                                                         ……………..  To be concluded…

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