Saturday, April 29, 2017


RAMESH.B………. 2

As a BAZIGAR (Magician), I need to be well informed and a bit nosy to get what is there in the air much earlier than others. I cultivated this habit by being present at the right place at right time. On account of this my gut feelings never ever disappointed me.

I would rate my first meeting with Sudhir as the God sent gift! It was sometime in March. March as you may be aware being the last months of the financial year always a nightmare month for all sales personnel. I was no exception. I was sailing with  less than 30% of the target sales for that month.

Saha my boss was breathing fire every day. As we reached fourth week there was a subtle threat to my job too from him.  At that point of time I had a meeting with Sudhir for some special type of packaging material. For the first time in my life I went to the local temple broke a coconut, applied a vermilion mark on my forehead and went for the meeting.

As usual Sudhir was busy and his secretary offered me a seat and coffee! I declined the offer for coffee and I was thinking at that point of time in the afternoon a can of chilled beer would have been better. By then Sudhir opened his cabin and asked me to come in side.

After initial pleasantries the conversation veered around to business. I got up and told him that I would fall in his feet if he did not offer me a life line. Sudhir was shocked. By then my mobile started ringing. I could see it was Saha’s call. I cut the call. But he would not stop, he called again.

I told Sudhir that this was the call of death and I would be anytime pulled by the messengers of death as they were waiting for me to fail in that month’s target. Saha called me again. This time around with Sudhir’s permission I took his call and told him that I was busy with Sudhir. Saha did not believe me and asked me to hand over the phone to Sudhir. Sudhir was willing to take the call. They both spoke in Bengali which I could hardly understand. Sudhir was all smiles when he handed over my cell phone and told me that Saha wanted to speak to me.

Saha told me to book a room for him in Taj Coramendel for two days after two days. He also advised me that one night there should be dinner for Sudhir.

Sudhir told me that my job was safe and I should meet him in his house the next day evening.

I was too thrilled at the prospect of meeting Sudhir in his den. I knew he had two brats as his kids.  The idea of meeting his wife was too interesting too. I wanted to make the most of that occasion. I was dressed to kill that day. Clean shave, special perfume, special Cross pen was there in my pocket. I had taken permission from Saha for special gifts for the family and the expenses would be approved by Saha during his forthcoming visit to Chennai.

There were chocolates for the kids, sweets, snacks for Bhabiji and special Cashew Kathili sweet and cashew pakoda for Sudhir.I knew he had a weakness for cashew nuts !  All cost me INR 1000 and I bought INR 1000 worth of goodies for my family too. Total INR 2000 would be billed to company!! How do I survive otherwise!

I landed at his home dot 5 PM. I was asked by Sudhir whether I got any message from Saha. I said no. Sudhir swore in choice Tamil and told me to call straightaway Saha on his cell. I did as instructed. Saha was disturbed and told me to hand over the phone to Sudhir. I did as advised. Then there was a Bengali talk for 15 minutes between them.
I was told by Sudhir that Saha would tell me what to do and I should follow. I said OK.

I spent nearly an hour with Sudhir and his family. The kids took my Cross pen to scribble on the wall and never returned. Bhabi ji gave me something called as Coffee. It was terrible. But to please her I had to pretend to drink the same whole one hour and left half a cup as it was. They grabbed all the snacks and sweets.

When I was there with them, Sudhir got a call from someone. In a hushed tone he was talking. But I could make it out that Sudhir was attending an interview with some head hunter on the day when Saha would be hosting dinner for him in Taj. My job became easy to find out what Sudhir was up to by staying at one place.

Saha called me that day later and told that I must arrange for Sudhir and his family air ticket to Thailand and back. The bills should be sent by courier to Saha and payment would be made by company. It was supposed to be treated very confidentially without any leak. He told me that would pave way for my entry into Sudhir’s company and we would make big sales!!

Tickets to Sudhir’s were delivered in Sudhir’s home by me. Bhabi ji was all to please to see me again. The kids were away at play school. Bhabhi ji was alone and she was cool to talk to and offered me the special coffee again! I told her I am not in the mood for coffee. Therefore I was treated with a cool drink. Though I had beer in mind I had to gulp the sugary syrup. This encounter made me to break the ice with Bhabhi ji and she now started calling me by my first name!

By then I asked her whether she would be attending the dinner at Taj with Saha. She told me that Sudhir might have forgotten to inform her she would find out and later inform me.

After handing over the tickets I took courage to call Sudhir on his cell. He took the call after three rings. He thanked me and told me I should meet him in his office next day. Next day I went and I was not stopped by his secretary and straight away walked into his cabin. He gave me the order for trial packaging material which was too big to save my job for life time.

He later told me that by then I was under his wings and should never worry about job!!  

Saha got my SMS on the receipt of the order. He told me that his trip to Chennai was not needed as the job was done. He told me that company would save money if he cancelled his air ticket. He also congratulated me for handling the issue well with Sudhir.

I reminded him about Taj booking. He told me to hand over the room to Sudhir and take his kids with me for a long day out in some fun land. I told him that would be fun provided; I was allowed to take my family out too. So Sudhir got to enjoy a cozy day with Bhabi ji in Taj and we as a family had fun in wonder land. My son bonded well with Sudhir’s brats as the outing meant for him plenty of Ice-cream and Pizza.

When we met later in Taj that evening I could make sure to find out about the interview he had and other details. By then it was clear that Sudhir would be signing with the Italian company as General Manager soon. However I was told not to share the news with Saha et. al. by Sudhir. In turn, I got a guarantee from him that I would be part of his team in the new company!!

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