Monday, April 17, 2017

OBSESSION........... 1

Hi everyone. My name is Krithika. You can call me “Krithi” in short. I got this name as I am born under the birth star of KRITHIKAI.  I am born in April, obviously being a lady I do not want to share the birth year…Aha..Aha. Therefore, I am born in the Sun Sign of Taurus. Both in my vernacular horoscope as well as English horoscope I share the same sign, something very unique.  
I hail from a district in Tamil Nadu, South India on the banks of river Cauvery, which is known to have produced some of the brilliant brains who have become famous statesmen, scientists and what not. Apart from that my town is famous for many great temples built by various dynasties.
Oh why should I live in past glory? Let me come to the present. I did my college education in my town. Fairly a good student but I am nowhere near my eldest sisters who were college toppers and did so well for themselves in academics they went on to do Post Graduation in Chemistry our family’s specialization. I have two elder sisters and a younger brother.
I went to a far away state in Western India Gujarat and did my post graduation in Food & Nutrition. In truth I neither know food nor Nutrition fully well. It is just to get a passport to get into an industry which was flourishing then. As compared to Chemistry it was easy fooling around in Food & Nutrition department which I could manage easily. People were claiming that India would become the “Kitchen for Globe” to supply food to the World!
When I visualize the scene I feel like laughing out loud, Indian Curry making all people in Europe, Australia and America to shed tears on account of the spicy nature !
You know in India there is a lot of preference for male child. Parents think that the family lineage is incomplete without a male heir as if they all have a big dynasty to take care and expand.
My parents were no exception. My father who was in Government service tried desperately to have a boy after my birth. He succeeded in his late forties and we  got our younger brother to complete the family tree. I am to a larger extent a Tom Boy than a girl. As my mother during my pregnancy was day dreaming for a boy I probably inherited mainly male characteristics than female grace.

I cut my hair short in a boyish crop style which is unheard of in our small town. I have rarely sported typical South Indian red dot, Bindi on the forehead, though I am very religious by nature. I ride a two wheeler very fast and even traffic cops salute me and give way!

                                                                  To be continued.........

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