Tuesday, April 11, 2017

RINN & ME ......... 11

New Year :-

It was the time of the year when everyone looks forward to be enjoying one’s holidays making the most out of the vacations, X-mas, New Year and what not ! Initially I had planned to be away in India for the vacation. But on second thought changed my mind and stayed put in the factory on account of pressing engagements.

Around X-mas we had become good friends again. RINN used to say that I am a Karana (Indian) of a different sort and she told that she like talking to me as she could learn new things about company, products, management etc. She also told that she would like me to stay in Madagascar for many more “agreement” meaning contract so as to keep our contact alive! I was keen on giving her some X-mas gift may be a bar of chocolate. In fact I did even buy a chocolate bar and kept it in my office.

But I could not hand over the same around X-mas as the factory closed abruptly and I could not even meet RINN and say merry x-mas as she had collected her salary and gone.

The Hygiene Superintendent had some work during the break. I even suggested RINN’s name for doing the work on vacation as RINN was always hard pressed for money. But I learnt that RINN declined the offer as she had planned to go out of town with mother.

Factory reopened after New Year. RINN was wearing a faded jean and uniform. Her lips were painted with full lip stick. She was found to be wearing a party sandal. As her usual enthusiasm was missing and she was standing secluded in a corner I asked her whether all was well with her ?
She said all was well and told me that she picked the sandal cheap from road side for nearly a dollar. She said that the X-Mas and New Year were celebrated in low key as she was missing her dad who did not turn up after leaving the family. She also stated that there was lot of prayer and carol in the church. On being asked about my holidays I stated that I was busy working in the factory.

When she saw the line that was installed by me she was stunned.. On being asked whether she would like to work in the new line she stated that it was up to me to recommend her. This triggered in me a new plan.
As usual we used to chat during working time as she was now more into packet sealing which was a very lazy job for her talent. As she had more time we could talk for long time. One day the conversation turned around size of the family. I told her that the lesser the number of people in a family more disposable income and affluence in the family. She pointed out at her friend who had more than ten siblings. I said that she must be struggling on account of this. RINN was very clear in her thought and told me that she would certainly have more than ten children and not like me stop with a single baby !

RINN was also curious to know more about Hindu religion, my religious mark on my forehead and Diwali etc. She was also keen that Indians had good family system and took care of their families- children, elders well. On being asked how she knew she told me that she used to watch Indian films with Malagasy sub titles.  

RINN used to be surprised that I did not know a word of French which in her opinion was an Universal language. On being told that we were ruled by British and hence Indian speak English she would not believe that !
Thus first few months of the year was good with RINN’s company on the shop floor. One evening I introduced RINN to my wife in the factory as our Madagascar daughter! RINN was happy to meet my wife and spoke nicely in English. My wife too was surprised with her English and told her to visit our home whenever she found time. 

She also asked her for how many years RINN studied in university to speak such good English?

Later my wife told me jokingly that if I start adopting daughters like this in Madagascar and Thailand our own daughter who is a lawyer would sue me to settle properties in her name soon!!

                                                ………… to be concluded…..

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