Thursday, April 13, 2017

RINN & ME......15

Surprise e-Mail:-
Life is a constant conflict between AFFECTION & EGO
Affection always wants to say SORRY.
While Ego wants to hear SORRY! “
Time and tide wait for none. They keep moving on their own pace without waiting for anyone. Things were looking bright and sunny. I was as usual busy with my work and regular routine all the time.
One fine morning I was checking my mail box in lap top. I was planning to wind up my establishment in Madagascar and move back to India to be with my ailing old mother and family.
I was clearing and cleaning my home, office etc. slowly but steadily one by one. While arranging the folders in my e-mail in box I found my junk box was over flowing with many mails. I was under a great impulse to clear the whole junk box by pressing “empty box”. But better sense prevailed and wanted to have a careful look not to miss any important mail.
One mail which had landed a week back caught my immediate attention. It was from RINN. I moved the mail to in box and opened the same.
That was the mail I have been looking for all these days. It was from RINN for sure as it had local Madagascar time and details.
To: Chari @
Date:-   /  / 2017
Subject:- My Marriage
Dear Mr. Chari
Greetings to you ! I am sure you must be surprised to receive a mail from me. I wish I could have spoken to you before in person. But you know how bad things were between us. I was not sure of your reaction if I approached you in person. Therefore this mail.
Let by gone be by gone. I am glad to let you know that my marriage with Mr. Jude is going to be Solemnized in St. Peters Church, Amboropotsy, on 30th xxxx’2017.
I am very eager that you should walk with me as I enter the church for the function and give me away in the Church function. You are aware that my father is no longer there in our family circuit, therefore I want you to play the role my Papa in the function. I bank on you for this help. I wish Madam too to attend the function along with you.
Your valuable presence will help me to dream of a married life like yours and madam long lasting, fruitful and filled with joy all through.
Please forgive for all my past misdemeanors as I was pushed to a corner. I had no way to get out and save my job at that point of time.
Earnestly seek your clemency by way of a reply mail soon from your end.
Sincerely Yours


I am too glad that things have come to a good end and very happy for RINN as she will be having a married life to produce a dozen kids as she always dreamed off !                                  
                                                                              Concluded !

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