Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Air Line Music …………..
One got to be lucky in life! It always used to be a tough competition for the window seats in any mode of transport, whenever we used to travel in childhood. Being the eldest, it always used to be my turn to sacrifice the coveted window seats and the seats used to go to the younger ones. Those days, our travel used to be to Chennai by Blue Mountain express from Mettupalayam to Madras. The train was invariably pulled by steam engine. Coal dust used to engulf us. But the glamour for window seat was not a bit reduced by the dust falling in one’s eyes.
Now with flight travel, if I travel alone the preference is always for the window seat. If along with spouse, she gets the coveted window seat by default. Over the years, whenever I travel constant companion for me is “lady sleep” who embraces me instantly in any mode of transport …. Be it simple harmonic motion or linear motion… I get into a trance. By and large.. I tell my fellow passengers to wake me a stop or two before I have to get down.
With most of flights leaving early morning, one has to leave home by 4 AM to a catch a flight in most of the metros. With reliability at its peak we all depend on call taxis, uber, fast track taxi,taxi for sure etc. for a drop these days based on mobile application service. Earlier we used to be at the mercy of unreliable taxi operators. Therefore early morning flight meant virtual sacrifice of one’s night sleep. As soon as I reach the airport counter, I check in immediately seeking the coveted window seat. Even if I am lucky enough to get the window seat, some fellow passenger come with a few months to less than a year old baby. After boarding the aircraft and comfortably sitting in my allocated seat I try to doze off.
But the unwanted piped music used to be playing till every one boards the aircraft. After that my journey used to be in the mercy of the small infant ….from take-off till landing would be wailing off due to discomfort in the ears. Thus I always used to pray for a window seat as well as a seat far away from small children.
Recently, I had to board a morning flight from Kolkatta to Mumbai early morning 6 AM flight. My wife was telling that I was not only disturbing her but also everyone in the host’s household. Got up at 3 AM left the house with least bit of noise, but to bid me goodbye everyone was awake. Boarded the taxi at 3.15 AM and reached the airport at 4.15 AM. On checking in sought the coveted window seat. I was told politely that all seats were booked and I was given a very comfortable aisle seat No.29 D. True to the counter guy’s word the flight was full to the brim with students from IIT M, Goa Institute of management, TISS etc. returning after Christmas vacation. There was a young lady in her late twenties with a small baby may be month or two old and another daughter of 3 years old waiting in the boarding area. By then I had started my prayers.
On boarding the aircraft, I found that my seat was the one in the last row and near the toilet.  Still I did not give up and continued my prayers. The six o clock flight was about to leave ten minutes early as the boarding was by then nearly complete. As luck would have it my prayers did not get answered that morning. The lady with the new born baby and the small girl walked accompanied by an airhostess and got into 29 A and B both in my row.
It is another matter this time the baby’s cry during take-off and landing sounded like music to my ears…though I was in deep sleep. 

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