Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Little things ………..

When you sit back, relax, ruminate and masticate old instances, lingering thoughts, anecdotes and episodes,  you will be amazed to note that not big promotions, grand titles, fat bonus that have brought happiness in one’s life !!! Small….. Pretty little things that were done by so thoughtful people have brought in more joy in one’s life.  Wish to share a few ones!
Some time we get great bosses who inspire you to no limit ! It was 1991 and Cadbury in India was winding up its biscuits division as they had some overseas deal with Nabisco Brands INC. In India too Cadbury had to make a hasty retreat from Biscuits. "Dollops" its Ice Cream was doing a  reasonable business. But in Biscuits Cadbury did badly, due to various reasons.
I was in Biscuits division and was not sure what was in store for me !  I was based in Hyderabad and as no news was forthcoming I flew to Mumbai and had a meeting with our category head. I was asked to meet Vice President Confectionery one Mr. Neerj Goyal. He was a very young person known for his dynamism, which was known through various stories. But I never had any direct interaction or encounter.
My meeting with him was fixed for next day morning at 9 AM. I was told to report in time by other managers as he Mr. Goyal was supposed to be very punctual and prompt. Keeping the same in mind I reached Cadbury House by 8.40 AM. After reaching the floor where Mr. Neeraj's office was located I went to the wash room only to find Mr. Neeraj there near the wash basin wetting a dusting cloth !I greeted him good morning and I was asked to come to his office immediately !

When I reached his office, I was told that as I had come early he could save his time by discussing what he wanted to discuss with me early. With the wet cloth he started cleaning his furniture, entire office including outside surface of cupboards, window air conditioner's front grill etc. Simultaneously discussion with me was on in an attentive manner.  

Once he was through, I was advised to report to Induri factory. I worked with him closely for nearly three years. He used to be very actively involved in C.W.Q.I ( Company wide Quality Improvement) and TQM activities. He went to Japan too for additional learning on TQM. When he reached 40 s he took leave of the company and went on free lancing work associated with TQM etc.  

Now a days, every day when I start my morning activities in my office, with a duster in hand I still recall his attention to details and meticulousness !!

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