Thursday, December 15, 2016


Little things ………..
When you sit back, relax, ruminate and masticate old instances, lingering thoughts, anecdotes and episodes,  you will be amazed to note that not big promotions, grand titles, fat bonus that have brought happiness in one’s life !!! Small….. Pretty little things that were done by so thoughtful people have brought in more joy in one’s life.  Wish to share a few ones!
                                                                DELHI BURECARUCAT
This person was one of the senior most bureaucrats in Delhi’s official circle. He was assisting Mr V P Singh when he was the finance minister. He was in- charge of budgetary control in finance ministry.  He used to live in Asiad apartments in Kasturba Gandhi Marg in Delhi. As I used to study in National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, I used to stay over- night in his place to catch the morning TN to travel to Chennai.
I used to be woken up early morning by him personally, to take bath in a hurry and leave for the station. As I start taking my bath, he used to call me and hand over a fresh towel so thoughtfully, stating that I should not wet my towel as that would put me into inconvenience during my travel. Not once, but whenever I stayed with his family, it was repeated by him very thoughtfully.
His curiosity to learn new information on anything under the sun was so amazing. He learnt the processing and technology of all Dairy Products from me by conversing with me during my visits semester after semester.
He also made it a point to attend my marriage with his family. Alas he passed away so early after retirement. Whenever someone visits our home or when I stay over in some one’s place I always remember this gentleman and his kind gesture!!

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