Wednesday, December 28, 2016


I Love my India ! If I say that the same may sound hallow... I would be telling a lie.
However I love THE INDIAN VALUES which are deeply ingrained in the following acts of kindness. 
Grand Old Ladies sprinkling sugar in every ant pit in the morning during her morning walk !
Warm greetings of unknown strangers, when I set out for my morning walk chanting Ram Ramji !
The act of feeding first Roti with ghee to the cows wandering around the house in the morning !
Pouring of full glass of milk to galloping stray dogs so routinely in the morning !
Feeders who take time to feed Jowar and other grains so fondly to flocking Pigeons who literally eat out of their hands making merry in the University area !
In the summer months the strong heat wave does not bother cattle in Gandhinagar as every house has got water filled up to the brim in big earthen pots to quench their thirst !
Lady from the South so fondly placing balls of rice remembering her ancestors to feed the crows !
Langar... free feeding to hundreds and thousands of people who flock Gurudhwaras ( Sikh temples) across the state in every nook and corner in Punjab.
Unsung / unheard people who leave blankets on poor and elderly sleeping on street during winter months in Northern India.  
Tea vendors who refuse to take money from any defense personnel in uniform in Northern Belt as a gesture of gratitude for their valor and service !!
Muslims cleaning Hindu temples affected floods in Chennai !
I love my Indian Values for these acts of kindness !!

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