Wednesday, December 14, 2016


I had the privilege of joining Sri Parama Kalyani College (SPKC) in 1974 for my Pre- University Course (PUC) and went on to do my graduation in Physics from 1974 to 78 ( B.Sc.). I had later opportunities to study in National Dairy Research Institute, (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana and in Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
 1978 to 2016 .. nearly four decades- have rolled over and I have moved all around India on job as well as in Africa and South East Asia on various assignments. Have got married, raised a daughter, got her married and now become a grand- parent too! Looking back and reminiscing, the values that I have imbibed in my personality during my four years stay in SPKC have come handy in my personal life as well as professional career.
Wish to share these thoughts amongst you, so you so that you can appreciate the rub off effect our college has on all of us which make us to be good Professionals, Managers and Entrepreneurs.
Mentor…Mentee :-  This was a concept in vogue in SPKC. All PUC students used to be split into groups of ten or twenty and allocated to one mentor. The Mentor would be responsible for the well being of his mentees. He would talk to them from time to time, counsel, guide, prod, push and get the best out of them. Thus a boy from school on entry into the college never feels lost in an alien atmosphere.
On the contrary his transition is as smooth as transplanting of paddy. He grows and glows. This concept was very practically adopted by me whenever new recruits of operators, supervisors are recruited in industry and gave me wide acclaim!
 Walk the talk:-  Professors and staff in SPKC were always for cleanliness . The entire campus used to be in all time glory of cleanliness. However there was an annual day celebration. Students in their over enthusiasm were throwing away empty packs of sweet and savory served on the occasion.  Some of the professors who were in that vicinity, without any hesitation started picking the empty packets and started disposing them in the dust bins located in that area. On seeing this crowd of students got ashamed on their behaviour and immediately started picking up the thrash. Within a few minutes the place became clean. So it is always lead by example for me after wards in my professional career.
Keep plan “B” ready:-  It was an annual day function. The climate was sunny and bright in the morning which progressed into a nice evening. Wind was blowing with its usual vigor. Alwarkurichi is known for that. Invitees and dignitaries were present. Vice Chancellor was the chief guest. He was being ushered in by the principal to the stage.  As the evening progressed there was a cloud burst and it started pouring. Within seconds all the chairs were shifted to first floor. Stage was set up and mikes were functional. VIP Guests were moved and VC as surprised at the spontaneous action of students and staff in shifting the venue without any confusion. He mentioned that in the address. Therefore ever since that instance in any corporate events I manage there is always a contingency plan “B” is kept ready to avert confusions.
Administration:- During my tenure in SPKC Sri K H Narayanan was the Principal. Apart from being a good teacher he was a great administrator. The way he used to handle day to day administration work was something to be watched, be it the daily monitoring of attendance, handling of general complaints, managing visitors and above all “Flash Strikes” by students of hostel, Staff (MUTA) gave me great insights into Management. He used to lead from the front facing challenges. This gave me the strength and in sights to handle hostile labor, militant trade unions in alien environments and come out with flying colors !
Love for nature & efforts to preserve :-  SPKC is in a blessed location. With good breeze,” Saral” from Pothigai Mountains and invigorating water falls in Coutralam,  what else one needs to enjoy nature ! We were also taken out on trips to Mundanthurai wild life sanctuary etc. Thus the stay in SPKC inculcated a sense of appreciation for nature. Periodic tree planting events in SSL, NSS made us to be champions for nature conservation!
Leadership :-  Despite located in rural surroundings, with poor connection to city, lack of routine city or town based entertainments like movie halls, malls, restaurants etc. Alwarkurichi’s location proved to be a blessing in disguise as everyone was focused towards the task in hand that of studying and excelling in education. Innumerable extra- curricular activities like sports, Photography club, ROTRACT, NCC, NSS, SSL, Physics club ,etc. gave ample scope for widening ones horizon. Thus we made the best use of them to assimilate and absorb the best from them. This has come handy to optimize available chances and opportunities in life!
Appearance is Deceptive:- To end this in a lighter vein…It was 1974. I was just out of school SSLC pass and got admitted in PUC in SPKC. On the first day to college we were a bunch of ten or twelve students from Kallidaikurichi waiting for the local bus to take us to the college in the bus stand. We were all from same school and knew each other. We were in cloud nine that day, as everyone was with new dress and all that. 
Another unknown student came and he asked our gang leader what was time then. Our leader in his excitement scolded this person stating that he had joined a college and did not even have a watch and was asking others to time etc. Obviously the stranger was a bit upset and moved away. The instance was forgotten in the morning classes. Afternoon we were to go for Chemistry practical. We all entered the laboratory. We were waiting for our Demonstrator to come and start the practical session.
To our utter surprise and shock that day the demonstrator happened to be the “unknown stranger” who in the morning in the bus stand asked to know the time from or gang leader.
Since then, I never guess the book by its cover as appearance is always deceptive!!
Thus the four years spent in Alwarkurichi in SPKC has imparted good values and qualities which have stood by my side to help me to progress well in my career as well as to enjoy my family life!!

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