Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Little things ………..

When you sit back, relax, ruminate and masticate old instances, lingering thoughts, anecdotes and episodes,  you will be amazed to note that not big promotions, grand titles, fat bonus that have brought happiness in one’s life !!! Small….. Pretty little things that were done by so thoughtful people have brought in more joy in one’s life.  Wish to share a few ones!

I am an ardent admirer of Maha Kavi Subramania Bharathiar ! What started as a childhood interest has made lasting impression in my mind. I get solace, even when highly stressed, if I recall some of his poems.
Most of my Tamil friends may know him. Generation “X “ of Tamil circle may not be fully aware of him and as regards to generation “Y” there is little chance for them to have even heard about him.  
For the benefit of my other friends who are not Tamils, who may not have even heard of him, Bharathiyar as fondly known was a great Tamil Poet before Independence era. He had a very short life span and in that he touched very vast topics like freedom struggle, religion, social reforms, freedom from untouchablity and equal rights for women etc.  He was indeed too great and before we got independence he recited poems in praise of Independent India.  He was for joining Ganga and Cauvery those days though he had no formal Engineering degree!
In one of his poems, he presumes that lord Krishna as his servant and writes so wonderfully about the adorable “servant”.
He says in that poem that Krishana came from nowhere and claimed that he belonged to Sheppard community. He was not only a servant but also a friend, counselor, good teacher, in the case of behavior he was like God! He also claims that to get him as a servant what penance he had done and what boon he had inherited.
I used to wonder whether one can ever see a specimen like that in one’s life. Such a wonderful trust worthy servant in this modern era! I had the fortune of having one such encounter in the name and style of Sri Giridhari and enjoyed his services for nearly two long years in office.
In 2013, I had moved to Himachal to assume the position of General Manager in a factory. I used to live in Nangal, Punjab and travel 12 Km one way daily to the factory and return in the evenings to home.  Though, I had a lot of people reporting to me in the set up, Giridhari literally looted my heart by way of his service.
He was a simple peon in the organization. His primary duty was to take care of the pantry and supply  tea, water etc. to office staff. By his selfless service he had won the hearts of everyone in the company. Though, I had his service available to pick my bag, lunch box etc. from the car and same way drop the same back in the car, as a matter of “self help” principle I used to carry my belongings myself. He used to insist in carrying them and I always refused his help for this errand.
He used to ask me to taste the tea he used to make, as the same was always sought after by many. As I had given up tea, coffee etc. in 2007 I used to tell I was not lucky enough to taste the same. Then he started making “Nimbu Pani” with hot water and salt. That became my drink. Later the whole office started loving this magic concoction!!

Giridhari was the catalyst in making a few of my Lieutenants to join me for lunch. Earlier, I used to sit and eat alone in my office. Thus the lunch sessions became so popular to spend time together and build cohesion in team. We used to discuss all that was supposed to be done during the day and during the week ahead. That way I could bring about good relation with them and they then started eating out of my hand, literally!
There were stories floating around of where from Giridhari came to join the factory etc. He was a widower with two grown up kids. After his wife’s death and children’s migration to city for employment he was heart- broken. He came from UP to Ludhiana as a wanderer. He stayed with some land lord tending his cattle, from there he was picked up by one of the managers of the factory to help in running errand.
Giridhari was happy serving others food, but never had an inclination or anything to keep things for himself. Stories were told that he used to hand over money to anyone who came to him seeking help. He used to upset with me when we cut short of over time during slack season. He used to say that he had to send money home to his parents to buy medicine and somehow manage to stay longer to get the overtime hours.   
Somehow he came to know my weakness for good curd and everyday he used to manage to save some milk from the tea section and keep good curd for me during lunch. When my wife accompanied me to office on some Sundays he used to treat her with special tea.  When any delicacies were made at home for festivals like Diwali etc. my wife used to pack a few pieces especially for Giridhari.
When I broke the news of my resignation from company to move abroad he was heartbroken.  He stopped talking to me during my notice period. Before my departure I packed a few my shirts and woolen and handed over to him he stated that he cannot miss my affection and therefore he was getting prepared for my departure.  
 The final moment came to hand over company car keys, cell phones, keys of drawers etc. I was facing everything stoically. Giridhari came and picked up my bag and walked with me up to the car. Then became inconsolable and burst into tears.  

Despite my position and very conditioned heart tears welled in the corner of my eyes !!

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