Thursday, December 15, 2016


I am not a big TV buff ! Once in a while some interesting movies (which you rarely find these days!), some comedy reality shows are OK. But daily dose of Arnab Goswami is a must at the least for 10 to 15 minutes to keep the BP in steady state! Though everyone loves to hate him, I have chosen to love him for his interesting exposure of our political-brethren!
Off late, I have started watching a CID program in the one and only Tamil channel we get in our package from 8.30 PM till 9.30 PM. Wow in this process, I have discovered a “miracle concoction” which can cure anything and everything .
 Believe me you got to take this from the very first trimester of your pregnancy! I know a few of you have already started cribbing! There is something special for male members too! Please wait. If you choose this miracle elixir (Mother’s Special) you will push away all vegetables, fruits, milk etc. and make an “intelligent choice” of this packaged powder! Your husband will appreciate you for choosing this great drink which gives you ABC, DHA, EFG etc. Please do not ask me what these abbreviations stand for. Despite spending only 35 years in food industry I failed to decipher!!
Now during pregnancy after drinking this beverage or even otherwise in 9 th or 10th month you will give birth to a baby! Obviously, like in all advertisements the baby shall be a boy and that too INTELLIGENT Boy as you had lived on the concoction for three plus trimesters.  For this boy to become a wonder Kid there is a” junior concoction” which he should take for five years for his “ Super Brain “ to develop ! This drink will feed him with 27 Vitamins, minerals and what not!!
Now the boy has to get admitted and join a school. Here despite drinking Junior Concoction he could not get into Basket ball team. The same may be due to “LOST GROTH”. Do not worry, the boy need not lose his confidence due to lost growth. The mother smart one shall feed him “GROTH CONCOCTION” Which shall help him to regain the lost growth because of Whey Protein at the same time the boy shall not become obese! Common man or woman may not know that whey protein comes as a byproduct in dairy industry when they make Cheese or Paneer. Earlier they used to feed whey to cattle / pigs and now they dry it and sell.
Now let us come to the mother. She has crossed 30 by now and it is time for to start taking the concoction for herself ! After all she is loosing Calcium on account of ageing. Now she needs Calcium molecule which goes and attaches to her vertebrate directly. As per the advertisement flashed  If she  eats Paneer, Milk or Curds she cannot get Calcium molecules which know how to get hooked to the back bone. Only the concoction shall give Calcium molecules the necessary direction to go to Vertebrate ! So she needs “ CalCeal” concoction !
Let us now come to the poor father. If the whole family instead of eating Roti made out of Atta, Rice, Dhal, fruits and green vegetables to take care of their nutritional requirements go for the magic concoction for their nutritional requirements as suggested by these advertisements , he shall obviously get into sleepless nights, loss of appetite and what not in terms of health problems . He shall become a vegetable ending dreaming about his EMI, loans etc. For him also there is a concoction to reverse CELL DAMAGE, anti ageing what not. That is “LITE” Concoction!
Believe me these advertisements are flashed for at the least eight or ten times in the span of an hour brain washing gullible consumers. Yesterday someone was arguing that advertisement is not about spreading lies but about educating consumer’s of his choices!
I think there is certainly need for a strong regulatory body to monitor and counter these sort of disputable, dubious claims made by very strong, market driven companies who have been thriving on the gullible consumers ignorance!

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