Friday, December 16, 2016


Little things ………..
When you sit back, relax, ruminate and masticate old instances, lingering thoughts, anecdotes and episodes,  you will be amazed to note that not big promotions, grand titles, fat bonus that have brought happiness in one’s life !!! Small….. Pretty little things that were done by so thoughtful people have brought in more joy in one’s life.  Wish to share a few ones. 

I had made my entry into a M.N.C corporate world in Jan’85 when I joined Britannia. Sometime you need to get a good boss to enjoy your job. I was pretty lucky to get someone like that in Britannia. Our department …Standards Department used to run just like a close knit family with each one taking personal interest in the job apart from taking great care of the team work as well as keeping pride of the department very high.

After joining Britannia in Jan’15, in Feb’85 I got betrothed. My marriage was to be held in May’85. As someone who had joined in January, I was not eligible for any leave in May to have a long holidays for marriage leave aside honeymoon.

Application was made to get special permission for getting leave from the next financial year “as a special case without setting any precedence” from the General Manager. In the mean while, I was asked to move to Mangalore to take care of the contract packing operation in a hurry, as the person in charge there had some emergency.

The marriage ceremony was to take place on 22nd May’85. 19th May’85 was a Sunday and holiday. I had an entrance test scheduled for evening course of Dip in SQC & OR at Indian Statistical Institute, all so thoughtfully guided by my new boss.  

On 20th May’85 I was told that I could have a fortnight off as marriage leave, as I had done a lot of commendable work in Manglore during the relieving period. Thus a week of leave from next financial year was made into fifteen days leave by my magnanimous boss on account of generosity by flexing rules.

Years have passed, I moved out of Britannia in 1989 and gone to places. Our families have grown and progressed. Even now we share great rapport despite me moving to different companies, countries and continents and he getting retired from Britannia two decades back. 

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