Friday, December 16, 2016

Little Things....Supply Chain Director of a M.N.C

Little things ………..
When you sit back, relax, ruminate and masticate old instances, lingering thoughts, anecdotes and episodes,  you will be amazed to note that not big promotions, grand titles, fat bonus that have brought happiness in one’s life !!! Small….. Pretty little things that were done by so thoughtful people have brought in more joy in one’s life.  Wish to share a few ones!

“Bhagavan Manusha Rupena” thus goes one old Sanskrit saying. Loosely this translates to “ God presents himself  in the form of human beings to help” !

We all must have experienced this sometime or the other in our lives. I had the same experience in the year 2004. After some debacle in career due to one small erroneous move in 2004, I had to take up free lancing work to support my family. Though meeting both ends was not very difficult, it was proving to be a bit too tight to support our daughter in a professional course, that too in hostel. 

I had taken up part time assignment with Heinz to visit their contract manufacturing unit in Mysore. I had to make limited visits and the money coming was also limited. Of course at that time the money was a big boon to support family as well as to send to my daughter.

During the course of my visits to Mysore, I came across this gentleman who was the supply chain Director in Heinz. Though a Bengali, he was very fluent in Tamil. He had little air about his supremacy, due to position etc. Thus our association and friendship became strong. He never allowed me to travel in train or bus when he was in town. His car would pick me up and drop. Evenings we had dinner together.

One day, I had asked him to join me for breakfast and wanted to know his preference for items during breakfast. He left the choice to me and arrived in time next day morning. He enjoyed “Dosa with Gun powder”. He had his favorite filter coffee which was made exclusively for him.
As we were about to move he asked my wife to accept a cover. It was very clear that the cover contained money. My wife politely told him that she would not accept anything without my permission. 

Then he hold her politely that as we were passing through a bad patch, he was giving INR 25000 as loan payable when able.  I politely told him that there was no need for that as we were managing fine. He insisted that we should accept the same and not refuse his help. The money was indeed very useful to us to tide over some difficulties then.

Later when he visited Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand he was our guest for an evening dinner in Bangkok, Thailand where I had moved by then. We took him and his wife for dinner in Bangkok.  He traveled all the way from Mumbai to attend our daughter’s wedding in 2011.

We still keep good contact and whenever I hear “ Bhagavan Manusha Rupena” his face comes to my mind !

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