Monday, December 19, 2016


It is no secret that Africans have a great liking for music ! Their ears are so fine tuned for nice beat and rhythm.  "Dance for the music and music makes them happy" That is their motto !

Whether it is a Church function, simple get together or evening drinks session with friends it is all interlaced with music. It may be Rap, heavy metal or simple reed picked up from abundant growth all around every thing turns into an instrument to keep them amused.

It is so common for house maids, factory workmen singing and dancing during their heavy chores which make their burden and heavy work load so light. They accomplish much more in night shift than in day shift as everyone is so hooked to their cell phones headphone !!

The video above is that of street urchin on their way to Sunday church happily playing music out of self improvised reed !!

The above is snap of their sister decked up in all finery accompanying them !!

Let us celebrate Music !!

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